Each graph type has its own trendlines. But when we draw nice trendlines we would be happy to see them in similar/related graph types, and not having to redraw them.
For example, are similar (IMO) at least the graph types:
"Share Price", "Technical Analysis (upper part - close price (and why not candlestick and Heikin too))" and "MA Overlay (Share Price)"
"Price + Distribution" and "MA Overlay (Price + Distribution)"
I understand the approach that has been adopted from the start to create a graph type for each display. But I can't help but think that a slightly different approach would have been effective too: tighten the number of graph types but with control on the elements to display or hide.
For example, Share Price, Technical Analysis, MA Overlay and Moving Average graph types could have been in fact gather into a unique and powerful graph type with options for displaying or not the various elements (share price, moving averages, Bollinger bands, candlesticks or close prices, lower part with technical indicators, share price included distribution or not...).
Anyway this approach would probably have had its cons too.