Hi Mark,
It is always great to see a new Fund Manager release, many thanks for your work! The 'intelligent' Y axis labels is absolutely a joy to behold. This a really a great work! Love the improvements in the notes too, as many other things.
I have two remarks:
1) With Automatic resolution for Y Axis Labels, it seems the number of digits in the labels is still capped by the number of decimals set under the General Preferences. For example if 4 decimals are set under the General Preferences, the labels in Y-Axis will not have more than 4 decimals.
Is there a good reason for that?
IMO it would be better to remove entirely the connection with the General Preferences. We may want to display only 2 or 3 digits in Portfolio Editor and reports and still always have the adequate resolution in graphs.
Concrete example:
I have set 4 decimals under the General Preferences, and don't want to display more. Still the resolution is not sufficient with some few graphs I have:
It would be displayed well with another decimal:
2) Could possibly the alternate historical symbol length be enlarged in this release (see: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5369)? Maybe it is not as simple as it looks?
Many thanks