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Open graph in a new window / Shift double-click in the P.E.

Comments, critical feedback, praise, or suggestions for new features.

Postby Djobydjoba » Fri Sep 06, 2024 1:14 am

I know an option already exists to open graphs in a new window. But this a on/off option. Personally I would like even more control on this, so to be able to choose, each time I have to open a new graph, if it will be open in a new or an existing graph window.

From the online help:
To open an additional Data Register window hold down the Shift or Ctrl keys while choosing any menu command that opens a Data Register (such as Edit / All Data...), or when double clicking on an investment in the Portfolio Editor.

In a similar way, it seems to me it would be great if we could choose to open a graph in a new window by holding down the Shift key while choosing any menu command that opens a graph (top menu or contextual menu).

BTW, Ctrl key when double clicking on an investment in the Portfolio Editor to open another Data Register doesn't work very well, because if the investment is selected before double clicking it this will just unselect it. So for this key to work the investment should not be selected first, which in counter intuitive.

It would be great if the action with a "Shift double click" on an investment in the Portfolio Editor could be customized too. That is, in the General Preferences, adding another option below "Action when double clicking an investment in Portfolio Editor" named "Action when Shift + double clicking an investment in Portfolio Editor", and the desired behavior:
- Data Register
- Data Register (open additional Window)
- Properties
- Graph

So you could make the combo what are the most useful for you. Opening another Data Register dialog is not something you need very frequently I think, and this major key combination seems to me under-employed with this assigned action. Personally, I'm still torn about which function to assign when double-clicking an investment in the PE, between open a Data Register or open investment properties. I would really like to assign one with double-click and the other with Shift+double clicking. Currently you can open investment properties in PE with Shift+Enter, but it is not as handy because you have to leave your hand from the mouse.
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Joined: Tue Mar 09, 2010 9:39 am

Postby Mark » Wed Sep 11, 2024 11:07 am

Hi Djobydjoba,

Thanks for the feedback/ideas. Makes sense...
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