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Escape Problem matching account in downloaded transaction

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Postby DKonigsbach » Sun Nov 29, 2009 2:40 pm

A problem and an enhancement suggestion:

The problem:

When matching accounts for downloaded transactions, XML escape characters aren't first replaced in the downloaded account name. For example, it's looking for an account named "S&P 500 Index Fund" instead of "S&P 500 Index Fund".

As a workaround, I've renamed the folder to what FM is looking for.

The suggestion:

Many other programs let you identify the link between the downloaded account name and the name used in the program if there isn't an exact match.

Leapfrog suggestion:

Even nicer would be to let you edit the links once they've been made. Many other systems don't do this, causing grief for their users when when their system makes a bad selection.

Fund Manager for Windows
Personal Version 9.6
Quote Module: 409
Transaction Module: 135
UNLICENSED EVALUATION COPY (I'm a Microsoft Money refugee evaluating Fund Manager.)

Dan K.

P.S. The other system I'm evaluating is Moneydance. Tough choice - each has strenghts and weaknesses. But since I'm tracking retirement savings, not household budgeting, FM has a bit of an edge.
Posts: 17
Joined: Sun Nov 29, 2009 2:17 pm

Postby Mark » Sun Nov 29, 2009 5:40 pm

Hi Dan K.,

Thanks for trying Fund Manager. If you are retrieving transactions (or importing from an OFX file), the account matching is done based on account number of the sub-portfolio, and then the CUSIP property of the investment. The & in the investment name should not affect the matching up of incoming transactions. You can check the account number of your sub-portfolio by right mouse clicking on it, and choosing "Properties...". You can check the investment CUSIP by checking the Properties... of the investment.

We will look into the ampersand problem, but that shouldn't affect the matching of your incoming transactions.
Fund Manager - Portfolio Management Software
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