General questions about using Fund Manager that do not fit into any other forum.
by brit » Fri Jun 27, 2008 4:15 am
Skandia Far East 3,178,250 79 355 2,247,600 24-Jun 71 434 -7 921 -9,98
Skandia Global Hedge 7,391,459 79 355 1,073,900 24-Jun 79 377 22 0,03
Skandia Kapitalma.. 5,607,175 85 347 1,495,400 24-Jun 83 850 -1 497 -1,75
Skandia Likviditet 6,003,376 69 980 1,188,600 24-Jun 71 356 1 376 1,97
I am a newbie here, and to the world of finance. So forgive the cars stupidity of my questuion.
Essentially I want to track my mutual fund investments.
The first problem comes that each month the fundmanager levies a management charge of 1.5% divided by 12, which results in sales of the units based on the perecntage proportion they account for of the total fund value when the charge is applied.
The second problem is that information about the fund is on one page and then to see the details of the sale of each individual fund in terms of price and quantity, I have to go into another page.
I would very much like to semiautomate this process,
Can your programme help me in this? If yes, how?
If not does anybody jhyave any suggestions to make?
All help much appreciated.
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by Mark » Fri Jun 27, 2008 8:35 am
Hi Brit,
Was there something about the data at the top of your post you wanted to ask about?
To record the management charge, record an "Account Fee" transaction. This is essentially a negative distribution. When recording an account fee you can choose whether or not to "Reinvest". You would want to choose this option, so that you can sell the shares required to pay the fee.
I'm not sure I followed the second problem. Do you mean it is hard to find on your printed statements from the mutual fund manager?
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by brit » Fri Jun 27, 2008 10:05 am
Thanks for the prompt response.
Apologies re the data, did not mean to include it. But it exists in that form on the web .
My situations is a portfolio viz:
Fund Date Units Price Market value %
A 100 25 2,500 62.5
B 150 10 1,500 37.5
Then each month there is a separate transactions log which might be:
Monthly charge 60
Sell 0.135 units A at Price X
Sell 0.0045 units of B at Price Y
Portfolio value after transaction 3,940
All this info is availabe on the web but not consolidated.
So does this fit wth you undertsanding of what I tried to ask.
a) Can your programme make such a calcuation?
B) Decrease the holdings of A and B by the number sold?
c) How automated could this be?
I could accept a semi-automated situation !
Thanks for help.
Mark wrote:Hi Brit,
Was there something about the data at the top of your post you wanted to ask about?
To record the management charge, record an "Account Fee" transaction. This is essentially a negative distribution. When recording an account fee you can choose whether or not to "Reinvest". You would want to choose this option, so that you can sell the shares required to pay the fee.
I'm not sure I followed the second problem. Do you mean it is hard to find on your printed statements from the mutual fund manager?
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by Mark » Fri Jun 27, 2008 10:24 am
Hi Brit,
You can either manually record transactions, import them from a file, or 'retrieve' them directly from your broker/fund company. In order to retrieve, you must be using one of the brokers/fund companies listed here:
If you have your data in a file, you can import it. Otherwise, you have to manually enter the data. In your example below, you would record your initial purchases, and then each month record the account fee transactions. Fund Manager handles everything else, including reporting your current share balance, etc.
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by brit » Fri Jun 27, 2008 11:42 am
Thanks again.
Data does not exist in a file, but I guess could be copied and pasted and then saved as a file, and imported as transaction and amend fund values as appropriate.
So that would be one approach.
The other approach is my questio0n whether Fundmanager could be used via a macro make a calculation for a specific date as outlined in my earlier message.
Is that possible?
Mark wrote:Hi Brit, You can either manually record transactions, import them from a file, or 'retrieve' them directly from your broker/fund company. In order to retrieve, you must be using one of the brokers/fund companies listed here: you have your data in a file, you can import it. Otherwise, you have to manually enter the data. In your example below, you would record your initial purchases, and then each month record the account fee transactions. Fund Manager handles everything else, including reporting your current share balance, etc.
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by Mark » Fri Jun 27, 2008 11:47 am
What calculation do you want it to make? Are you asking about calculating the Portfolio Value after the fees? If so, yes, it will do this. All you have to do is somehow record the transactions, and then all the values, returns, gains/losses, etc will be available in reports, graphs, and the Portfolio Editor.
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by brit » Fri Jun 27, 2008 12:38 pm
I am talking about on a given date making a calcuation of 1.5% divided by 12 of the current value of the protfolio, and then based on the proprotion each fund in the portfoilio represnts, breaking this down into separate sales of each fund to pay the management charge , and thereby reducing the protfolio.
As I outlined in my earlier email. Doesn't this make sense?
Mark wrote:What calculation do you want it to make? Are you asking about calculating the Portfolio Value after the fees? If so, yes, it will do this. All you have to do is somehow record the transactions, and then all the values, returns, gains/losses, etc will be available in reports, graphs, and the Portfolio Editor.
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by Mark » Fri Jun 27, 2008 12:51 pm
Hi Brit,
I see... No, it won't make this calculation for you. Your transactions need to be entered, imported, or retrieved. Usually your broker or mutual fund company will provide the details of the transaction, and you can just enter it.
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