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Postby codybear » Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:50 am

Hi Mark:

4th post in 24 hours. Give me a login and you start to think I have nothing better to do.

Anyway to have the price retrieves start from the last time you did a price retrieve, somewhat the same as transaction retrieves. It can be weeks between retrieves and I now have to figure when I did the last retrieve. Also, I usually don't include the current day unless the data is available; otherwise, the charts shows $0 gain/loss as the graph ends on a date where no transactions occurred.

FYI: the allocation pie chart first line is too short to display the date. All I see is portfolio name, value, loss (at least lately) and "o..." which is suppose to be "on" and the date. But I did figure out that I can just cursor over the pie or prices and see the date.

Posts: 22
Joined: Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:45 pm

Postby Mark » Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:31 am

Hi Jamie,

Feel free to post as much as you'd like. These are good questions/comments, that I'm sure others will benefit from too.

Thanks for the feedback on the default price historical dates. That is a good idea. As a helper until the defaults are smarter, you can use either the Portfolio Editor field "Last Price" or a custom report field "Latest price date" to quickly help you remember the ending date of your last retrieve.

The top line in the pie charts is allowed to be as wide as the pie itself. As you make the window bigger/smaller this space changes as well. Does it look like you are running out of room? If you make your window bigger, do you then see the date? You can choose a smaller font, or make the window bigger to help here. From my experimenting it seems you have to make the window rather small before this label truncates, but it also depends on the length of your sub-portfolio name, the number of digits in the value, etc...
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Postby codybear » Tue Jul 15, 2008 9:00 am

Now, I see why I can not see the date. Here, I'm looking that I have plenty of space on the left side and right side of the pie, but I didn't realize it's the pie size that is the factor. An option would be to size the string to the length to the window as there doesn't seem to be any interference from the data on the right of the pie (at least in my case).

OK, at least I know how to see it. Hopefully, my portfolio doesn't get another digit larger or I may have to get a bigger screen. :wink:

Posts: 22
Joined: Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:45 pm

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