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A not-quite-bug report in FM 12.8 Personal

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Postby DavidJ » Tue Jan 28, 2014 3:21 am


I'm running FM 10.9 Personal on my brand new (but not super-duper) Win7 Professional 64-bit machine. FM 10.9 runs fine.

I decided to download a trial copy of FM 12.8 Personal, since it has a new feature which interests me, and faster report displays would be nice.

12.8 was indeed much faster, and essentially ran very well. However, pretty frequently - several times a day (and I don't sit and watch my investments for hours at a time) - a message box from Windows would pop up saying something like "Windows Explorer has stopped working. Windows is restarting." There seemed to be no real damage; something - I don't remember if it's the whole screen - then seems to very quickly redraw itself and everything is fine until next time.

I thought that this might interest Mark since it's a brand new machine, Avira running a little stronger than default finds no infections on it, and so far it has happened ONLY with FM 12, no other software, while 10.9 works fine with identical parameters.

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Postby Mark » Tue Jan 28, 2014 7:05 am

Hi David,

Sorry to hear about the troubles. I wouldn't expect there to be any relationship between Fund Manager and Windows Explorer. Have you tried re-booting your computer? Is there some action you perform in Fund Manager that causes this, or you're just seeing it while Fund Manager is sitting there essentially idle?
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Postby DavidJ » Tue Jan 28, 2014 7:31 am

HI, Mark,

I've uninstalled it, but I think that it happened when FM was just sitting there. However, it could have been connected with a price update, since my FM is set to update pretty frequently when it's open.

Please note that the error message cites Windows Explorer, the GUI of Windows itself, not Internet Explorer.

I think that the behavior continued after reboots, but it was a few days ago.

Have you yourself tried FM 12 on a 64-bit Windows 7 machine running 64-bit Windows? Has anyone here?

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Postby Mark » Tue Jan 28, 2014 8:00 am

Hi David,

Yes, I run under 64 bit Windows 7, and that is probably the most popular configuration. If you decide to try it again, and still have that problem, please let me know.
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