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by gmsimon » Sun Apr 06, 2014 11:46 am
Under Options/Category Labels/Sectors, I selected GICS, then using the move up/down arrows set the labels in this order: Consumer Discretionary, Consumer Staples, Energy, Financial, Healthcare, Industrial, Information Technology, Materials, Telecommunications, Utilities, <uncategorized>.
I exported a .txt file, set 100% for each line item under the appropriate column (based on the above order). When I import the file, however, it does not appear to be using my label order. For example, for AFLAC (AFL), the line had entries as:
AFL, 0,0,0,100,0,0,0,0,0 (ie, expected to see its sector set to Financial)
However, its sector was set to Industrials. The import doesn't seem to be using my rearranged label order.
PS - Should also mention at a 'top-level' view, each portfolio line shows <uncategorized> under the Sector column (rather than being blank, since this column is 'n/a' to portfolio totals).
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by Mark » Mon Apr 07, 2014 9:36 am
Hi gmsimon,
Thanks, I see this same problem with the export/import. We will fix this for the next release. Currently they are importing/exporting in the original defined order, and not in the order specified by the user.
For the Portfolio Editor fields of Sector, Asset Type, and Investment Goal, these will display values for sub-portfolios. They display the largest category within the sub-portfolio. If the largest category is not 100% it will also add an asterisk to the label, so you know it is a combination of other categories too.
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by gmsimon » Mon Apr 07, 2014 9:45 am
That's great. Thanks.
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by Mary Kennedy » Mon Apr 07, 2014 12:28 pm
I think the labeling issue might be more serious that this post implies. I also tried to re-arrange the sectors and they just bounce back to their original order. I also tried adding REITs and MLPs to the unused categories and they don't stick either.
I have noticed in the past, with your other category systems, that your programs attends to the numerical sequence of a category, not to it's label, so that if I re-arrange the order of the labels, everything becomes mis-labeled because they all take on whatever label used to be in that position, e.g., the fourth category or the fifth category. I have learned to plan ahead and think about the sequence I want and then enter the labels in that sequence. This sector field is different though, because you are apparently importing these labels, no? So I am guessing we can't use them unless we keep the sequence they come in?
PS, I am really thrilled that you have added this new sector field. I love it. And I also love the new "assign 100%" as a right-click option. I hope you'll also add an option to assign zero percent.
Your problem is that whenever you give us something wonderful, we always want even more!
Mary Kennedy
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by Mark » Mon Apr 07, 2014 5:42 pm
Hi Mary Kennedy,
Can you reproduce this problem with the order not staying as you specify? If so, what version are you using? If you go to "Options / Category Labels..." and set the order the way you want, and then exit/re-start Fund Manager, are they still as you last set them? I'm not aware of any bugs setting the order, or keeping your labels, so if you're able to describe how we can reproduce a problem we can dig into it.
Note, if you double click on a certain category in the "Investment Properties..." dialog it changes that selected category to 100%, and all others to 0%.
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by Mary Kennedy » Tue Apr 08, 2014 5:49 am
Oh, thanks for the heads-up on the percent allocation. In the past, making a new category 100$ just gave me a error message because my sum became 200%.
I have the pro version 2014.13. I always edit the labels when I am within a given company's investment properties window, I've never done them through the general options menu. I am using the Morningstar sector categories.
Aha! On further fiddling, I figured out my problem. I used the Move Up and Move Down buttons to re-arrange, but then hit the "apply" button, which is located to suggest it applies to the sequencing as well as the choice of category systems. As soon as I hit "apply," everything moves back to its original position. I now see that the apply button is not meant for the sequencing, but only for the choice of category system. Maybe you could rearrange the buttons so it is more clear that the "apply" refers only to the choice of category systems. Maybe put the category systems and apply button above the sequencing buttons or something.
Mary Kennedy
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by Mark » Tue Apr 08, 2014 8:05 am
Hi Mary Kennedy,
It sounds like you are working from the "Investment Properties..." dialog? That dialog is not displaying the categories in your user-defined order. We will fix this. All of the reports and the "Options / Category Labels..." dialogs should be displaying them in your user-defined order though.
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by Mark » Tue Apr 08, 2014 5:51 pm
Hi Mary Kennedy, This issue with the categories not being listed in the Investment Properties dialog (and a couple other places) in the expected order has been fixed in the Beta 6 version. You can download it from here: let me know if you see any more problems with this.
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