by Mark » Thu Apr 10, 2014 8:17 pm
Hi Peter,
Do you have multiple currencies, and "View / Exchange Rate Adjusted" turned off? I'm guessing this is the problem.
There is a new option that controls whether or not adding values across currencies is allowed. By default it is not. Fund Manager used to always just add values across currencies, even when they were different. For example, it would add 10 Yen to 5 Dollars and report a value of 15, even though this is not really meaningful. It will now report N/A by default. So, to get a number reported now, turn on "View / Exchange Rate Adjusted", so everything is converted into your designated default currency, and then summed/displayed in that currency.
Alternatively, you can revert to the old method by turning on "Options / General Preferences... / Other / Allow Summing Values from Different Currencies".