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Attempted Backups

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Postby HCPierce » Wed Aug 06, 2008 5:28 pm

I attempted FM backup's using Beta 9.0 for the first time this evening. Each of five failed.
First error window: Access is denied. Second error window: RegCreateKeyEx Failed Third error window: Backup failed.

I looked at the results of these attempts with Restore and found all of the backup names used in the attempts had created filenames as expected with file sizes of ~59.5. I tried to use them in a Restore and got an error window: Error Reading in Backup File.

Various backup names were used including a final one of just Test to result in a filename found when I used Restore of Test.fmb

Best regards, Chuck
Posts: 38
Joined: Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:36 pm

Postby Mark » Wed Aug 06, 2008 5:50 pm

Hi Chuck,

Please download/install the 'Beta 3' from the beta page:

This should fix that issue. I'm guessing you are running Vista, and have User Account Control (UAC) turned on? The backup feature in Fund Manager can now backup the Fund Manager associated registry settings. Unfortunately, this capability requires administrative permissions under Vista. The backup has been updated in Beta 3, so that if you don't have permissions, it will just skip the registry portion, but still do all of your data. Previously, it was failing the whole backup if it didn't have permissions to do the registry backup.

If you want your backups to include the registry settings, run Fund Manager as an administrator, or turn off UAC. To run a program as an administrator in Vista, you can right mouse click on the shortcut, and choose "Run As Administrator...". You can also set the shortcut properties on the "Compatibility" tab to run as an administrator, so you can skip this step.

Registry settings include your preferences, memorized report settings, etc... There is no actual portfolio/investment data stored in the registry.
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Postby HCPierce » Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:46 pm

Hi Mark:

For sure!!! I am now running Vista Home Premium- all of three weeks now!! Computer is a new HP m9350f.

I am sure that I'm running as administrator since little windows come up requiring my approval to continue with certain operations. As to "User Account Control", I'll first have to find out what it is and then how to control it!!!!

I will download Beta 3.0 and install it.

9:59PDT HOLD THAT!!! Beta 4.0 now available there. Shall I install that or go find Beta 3.0??? Also, running Beta 9.0/401/127. How do I tell which Beta this is????

Thanks for the reply so quickly.

Best regards, Chuck
Posts: 38
Joined: Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:36 pm

Postby Mark » Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:17 am

Hi Chuck,

You can see which Beta you're running in the title bar of the main program window.

Yes, please go ahead and use Beta 4, it contains all prior fixes, and a couple other improvements.

Some background on Vista and permissions: Even though your user is an administrator, when you start programs normally, you are actually starting them with the permission level of a regular/limited user. This is a new security feature in Vista to prevent programs from having too much power. Limited permissions in Vista prevent things like you being able to write directly into C:\Program Files for example. When you see that approval prompt, that is some program requesting permission to start with administrative permission level. If you don't see this, then the program is starting with lower permissions. Fund Manager is designed to run as a regular Vista program with the limited permission level. That is why you should not see the permission prompt when starting Fund Manager normally. However, if you change the shortcut or right mouse click and tell Vista to start FM as an administrator, then you will see the approval prompt. The above assumes you have User Account Control (UAC) turned on. When you have UAC turned off, you are always running everything with administrative permissions, and you will never see the approval prompt. This is not the recommended/secure way to run under Vista because you're bypassing all the security features. However, if you want to turn off UAC anyway it is under "Control Panel / User Accounts".
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