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visualize specific investments graphs

Questions on using, creating, or understanding data in Fund Manager graphs.

Postby gbfabiani » Wed Sep 24, 2014 1:20 am

Hi Mark,

I often visualize graphs of single investments ( typically the cost price one) , and i would like to use the 4-9 screen option to show specific investments and not all of them in alphabetic order.

In other words , the best for me would be either to tick-mark the 4 or 9 investments I would like to see in comparison, or if it is simpler, create a report with the already available filters and when the report is on the screen be able to see the graphs just of the investments included in this report.

Maybe some solution is already there, and I was not able to find it
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Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2012 7:26 am

Postby Mark » Wed Sep 24, 2014 10:50 am

Hi giovanni,

When displaying an investment based graph, the investments are displayed in the "Investment stack order":

You can adjust the investment stack order in a variety of ways:

1) Edit it directly with "Investments / Order..."
2) Sort it with any of the "Investments / Sort By" commands
3) You can invert or revert the stack also under the "Investments" menu
4) You can use reports to sort the stack. Make sure you have "Options / Report Preferences... / General / Update Investment Stack When Sorting Reports" turned on. Create the report you want to use, and list by Investment. Use the top level "Sort" menu to sort the report. Also, notice this sorts the investments in the sub-portfolio being reported on, so make sure you have the save active sub-portfolio in your graph window.
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Postby gbfabiani » Sat Oct 04, 2014 2:20 pm

Hi, my issue is not really related to the order , but to the selection of investments.

If I make a report within a portfolio, I have to see all the graphs of the investments included in this portfolio. And, yes, I can sort the order in different ways, but I have t see them all.

My wish is different : to select with the report just a few investments and than analyze just the graphs of the selected investments.

Let me make an example : I run a Portfolio Performance , list by investments, and I select filter, by investment type, include, only Exchange Trade Funds. I will have a report with say 20 ETF's. When I choose graphs by cost/price, they start by the stocks ( who are not part of my filter) . Ideally I will be pleased to have an option What you see is What you get, so just the graphs of the ETF .

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Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2012 7:26 am

Postby Mark » Sat Oct 04, 2014 8:43 pm

Hi giovanni,

Okay, thanks for the feedback/idea. I understand what you're looking for.
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