Hi Dave,
First, create an investment to track the benchmark you want to compare against. Make sure to retrieve historical prices for this index.
For graphical comparison to a portfolio, use the:
Graphs / Portfolio/Investments Overlay / Price or Value
graphs. Right mouse click on the graph to choose which investments to overlay, and select your benchmark index. To select a portfolio, choose the active portfolio with the top level Portfolio menu, or you can select "Graphs / Options / Overlaid Portfolios...".
For graphical comparison to other investments use the "Graphs / Investment Overlay / Price or Price + Dist." graphs. Right mouse click and choose "Overlaid Investments..." to pick which investments to put on the graph, including your index.
To include an index along with your portfolio/investments in a report, you must select a sub-portfolio to report on that includes everything you want to see. For example, you might set up a sub-portfolio hierarchy that has something like:
- Code: Select all
- Report Helper
- <benchmark index investment>
- My Account
and then report on the "Report Helper" level, leaving on the report option to sub-total by sub-portfolio. You can also check the report option "Hide Totals in Footer", as you don't care about seeing the combination of your index plus your account. If you choose a report like Portfolio Performance, you would need to record a hypothetical purchase into your index, so that you can get ROI yields. You can pick just a real early date, and buy $1 or 1 share. The amount really doesn't matter, as long as you own something in it. You can get share price based performance figures, or TWR yields without recording owned shares, but to get ROI yields, you would need to own some shares.
You might also like to read this:
https://www.fundmanagersoftware.com/faq ... arison.php