Hello Mark,
I am doing a test drive of your professional level software based on the good reviews I have seen on AAII. I have downloaded the software and am in a wizard that is attempting to download transactions and positions. I am using and adviser who uses TD Ameritrade institutional accounts and I also have a retail TD Ameritrade account. As I try to sign onto my institutional accounts I am getting a "Signon Invalid" response. A Search of this message board comes up with several posts that seem to indicate a need to get turned on at TD Ameritrade and also some posts seem to indicate a different sign-on for data retrieval than my normal web sign-on, but all of the posts I found were 2 to 5 years old and the ones I could try on my own over the weekend did not work. Could you please tell me the current process for downloading data from TD Ameritrade Institutional and also include any contact information needed to get to the people at TDA responsible for setting up access for Data downloads to Fund Manager.