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Unable to retrieve transactions from Vanguard

Questions about updating prices or transactions in Fund Manager

Postby Tom Kehrwald » Mon Jan 26, 2015 4:38 pm

Hi Mark,
I am using FM 12.9 personal, Quote Module 476 Trans Mod 199. I am a long time user of FM and it has worked great for many years. Around August 2014 I could no longer retrieve transactions or get the data to reconcile a Vanguard brokerage account. I can access the account online directly and can download the data as a CSV file, but I want to get FM retrieval working again.

As far as I can tell Vanguard made two changes in the critical time frame. Formerly people who held VG funds and other brokerage assets had to have two accounts. The first change was to create a new account and merge those two into one combination brokerage account. At the same time they brought online a new computer system.

Vanguard had a memo telling customers how to handle the transition if they use Quicken. You said those steps were not needed for FM.

I have made some progress but reached a roadblock. On both the attempt to reconcile and on an attempt to retrieve transactions, I get a series of three dialog boxes from FM:

Error in Investment Statement Transaction Response

<No error MESSAGE returned from server>

Then information about the user name and account name (which is correct).

When I look at the SGML file response from Vanguard (if I am reading it correctly) it says there was a successful signon. Then it goes on to say

I can email the files if you wish, but there is not much else there besides boilerplate.

Thanks for any advice. Tom
Tom Kehrwald
Posts: 10
Joined: Sun Mar 23, 2014 5:00 pm

Postby Mark » Mon Jan 26, 2015 5:25 pm

Hi Tom,

Please try clearing out the account number, so it is empty, and then do another transaction retrieve. Hopefully you will be presented with a list of account numbers associated with your username, that you can pick from. This will ensure you have the account number entered and formatted as they're expecting.
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Postby Tom Kehrwald » Mon Jan 26, 2015 7:27 pm

Hi Mark,
I did as you suggested and, after a few false starts, got the data. The account number which works is different from the actual account number. But I am not going to question that. Thank you for solving a major headache for me!
Tom Kehrwald
Posts: 10
Joined: Sun Mar 23, 2014 5:00 pm

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