For several investments when I make a value graph they exhibit steps or spikes. The first seems to be an effect of incomplete (over time) price data and the second by occasional incorrect price data. I have attached two screen grabs to illustrate. I don't seem to be able to fix these problems by using Internet Retrieve of Historical Prices even when I set the retrieval range to bracket the problematic time period. I suspect FM does not update price data it thinks it already retrieved. Is there a way to flush previously retrieved price data for a particular investment and try to obtain historical prices again hoping for more complete or corrected prices?
The first one (fm_steps.jpg) is from a portfolio I rarely look at in Fund Manager and I think the steps correspond to when I Iooked at it and retrieved prices. I would like to fill in the missing price data so the graph looks smoother over time.
The second (fm_spikes.jpg) is from a portfolio I look at more frequently and retrieve transactions and historical prices. In this case the spikes in the graph correspond to large fluctuations in the apparent price - from $1 - $169 when the actual price in that time period is about $40. I guess I could manually go in and correct the prices for those dates but I am more interested in knowing if this is a common problem or if there is another way to fix this other than manually one date/price at a time.
Thanks for any help you can offer!