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Bug in portfolio file handling

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Postby sharadm » Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:47 am

I think I encountered a couple of bugs here:

a) if I "close" a portfolio the "save" and "save portfolio as" options do not get grayed out. Clearly if there is no portfolio open saving it is meaningless.

b) if you "close" a portfolio without saving it there is no warning and you lose everything you did. I actually hit this and lost an hours worth of work (thankfully I had saved all the investments, but all the portfolio hierarchy etc went away). This is bad - you should always warn before throwing away data.

- Sharad
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Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2008 3:06 am

Postby Mark » Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:13 am

Hi Sharad,

1) I don't see this... If you do a "File / Close Portfolio", the "File / Save Portfolio" is grayed out, but the "File / Save Portfolio As..." is still enabled. This is the desired/intended operation. Is yours working differently?

2) This isn't how it is supposed to work. If you make any portfolio change, and try to close/exit without saving it will prompt you. If you can provide some steps to reproduce the problem you've described I can try to reproduce/fix it.
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Postby sharadm » Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:01 am


I hit this the first time around - when I didn't have a master.mm4 file at all (i.e. no portfolio had ever been saved). I had gone through the wizard at startup time, created a bunch of sub portfolio's, and then hit close portfolio and everything went away - and there was no .mm4 file at all in the fundmanager directory.

Now that I have a master.mm4 I cannot repro this - whatever changes I make seem to get autosaved instantly in master.mm4 ...

I'm not sure I understand what it means to "save portfolio as" if there is no portfolio open?
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Postby Mark » Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:13 am

Hi Sharad,

Okay, thanks for the tips. I've tried to reproduce this, starting from no open portfolio file. I tried by manually creating sub-portfolios, and also be using the new portfolio wizard. Each time I exited without saving I was prompted. Basically, I haven't figured out the sequence necessary to reproduce this bug. If you are able to reproduce it, please do let me know.

You can always do a "File / Save Portfolio As..." to create a new portfolio. You always have at least the top level sub-portfolio that would be included. It may be empty, but you can still save it to a portfolio file.
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