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FM adding prefix of my account #s to files...!!??

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Postby L Larson » Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:47 pm

Quite a suprise I got-
to see my account numbers of funds tagged onto stock symbols ....with the addition of the holding company name before that. In quite a few years of stumbling thru my finances, I have never had any firm 'slap' my account number onto a file on my computer!!! This does not quite appear particularly cricket or esp safe??
And I must say I have had quite a few accounts in various places......

L. :(
L Larson
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Location: West Michigan USA

Postby Mark » Sat Dec 01, 2007 2:27 pm

Hi L Larson,

I assume you're referring to the auto-backup of your investments? When Fund Manager makes an automatic backup for you, it saves the investments as "<sub_portfolio_name_hierarchy>_<investment_filename>". This is to help you recreate your sub-portfolios and put the correct investments in each sub-portfolio in the event you need to restore from this auto-backup. If you don't like this feature, you can turn it off under "Options / Preferences... / Data". Alternatively, you can name your sub-portfolios something besides the account number. It uses the sub-portfolio 'name', not the 'account number', so if you just change the sub-portfolio names, your auto-backups will not contain your account numbers.
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Postby L Larson » Sun Dec 02, 2007 8:11 am

As per my past 'style', at times the verbage of my posts seems to take a negative twist. A half hour after posting the two queries, I said, Uh Oh, maybe I had better revise these, they may have that 'edge' to them, esp the one as to where the _ _ _ _ _ _ did all those account numbers come from...
So all was ok and double thanks for replies!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yes, :o ,I find that in FM when looking at my individual stocks, the symbol is a green like triangle, which is keyed to opening with Windows Media Player!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is there a global command that will sneak all these back into the FM umbrella????

TIA :) Lars again....

Three score and ten+, hence the efficiency is much lower than at three score only......... :oops:
L Larson
Posts: 22
Joined: Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:21 pm
Location: West Michigan USA

Postby Mark » Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:29 am

Hi L Larson,

Investment files have an extension of .dat. It sounds like these are currently associated with Media Player. There isn't a command in FM to change these associations. It must be done through Windows. The method varies, depending on the version of Windows you are using. To set a file association under Windows XP use Windows Explorer and go to "Tools / Folder Options... / File Type". You might search the internet for "instructions on setting file associations under Windows".
Fund Manager - Portfolio Management Software
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