Yahoo quote server not responding
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Hi DiFraser,
This sounds like it might be the same problem being mentioned here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3589 The Yahoo server appears to be working fine from my location. It may however be that you are accessing a different server, that is having trouble. If you open up a CMD window and type: ping download.finance.yahoo.com do you get a reply? What is the IP address you get a reply from? If it is different than: You can try forcing your system to use the above IP address for Yahoo. This is the IP address my system is using, and it is working fine. You would have to modify your hosts file. If this doesn't sound like something you want to try, you can just wait for Yahoo to get this server working, or switch to a different quote server. If you do want to try modifying your hosts file, open up this file: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts To do this, start Notepad as an admin (right mouse click on Notepad, and choose "Run as Administrator"). Once you open up that hosts file, add this at the very bottom: download.finance.yahoo.com Save the file, and try your price update again. This is forcing your system to use a particular IP address for the Yahoo server, instead of requesting an address from a DNS server.
I just retrieved using Reuters. Took longer but it worked.
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