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Price+Distribution Graph Missing Dividend Distributions

Questions on using, creating, or understanding data in Fund Manager graphs.

Postby ssherbin » Wed Jul 01, 2015 10:42 am

I noticed that the price+distribution graph seems to be missing some dividend distribution points. The transactions for the attached graphic has each distribution showing correctly in the transactions summary, but several of the transactions do not appear on the graphic.
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Postby Mark » Wed Jul 01, 2015 10:48 am

Hi ssherbin,

The reason is that your 9/6/14 and 12/6/14 distributions are on a weekend, and by default weekends are not plotted. You can either edit those distributions to be during the week, or turn on plotting of weekends under "Graphs / Options / Display... / Omit Weekends on Portfolio/Investment Based Graphs".
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Postby ssherbin » Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:15 am

Thanks, Mark!
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Postby Exspextations » Sun Dec 20, 2015 11:08 am


Having solved this problem with the 2015 version, I found that after upgrading to FM 2016 that problem not only re-occurred, but that even weekdays transactions made also did not show on the graphs. even more curious was the fact that I have two funds one for my wife and one for me into which we invest on the same date each month. However, when I displayed the respective investments the transactions shown on the graph were different for the two investments.

As none of my trades are placed on weekends to avoid this problem and I input my wife's and my trades on the same date for our mirrored investments, it is curious that trades / dividends were missing in 2016 version with weekends display switched off. Switching plotting weekends on again made the trades once again visible.

There were a number of other quirks caused by the upgrade to 2016, in particular that many of my user defined settings were reset to program defaults, but inconsistently so. I hope that future upgrades conserve user defined settings more effectively as I wasted a lot of time getting the program back to working the way I wanted it.
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Postby Mark » Sun Dec 20, 2015 11:14 am

Hi Exspextations,

Sorry your upgrade didn't go smoothly. It is our intention that all your preferences/data transfer seamlessly when you upgrade. To do this, it is important that you do not uninstall your old version prior to installing the new version. All your preferences are stored in the registry, and should remain when you install the new version. Uninstalling the old version removes all these registry preferences, which is why you don't want to uninstall first. If you didn't uninstall, then I'm not sure why some of your preferences changed.

On the missing transactions, and its dependence on the weekend plotting option, it sounds like some of your transactions are recorded on weekends, if this option makes them show up again. If you've checked your transactions in question, and they don't appear to be recorded on a weekend, it may be that your definition of a weekend is set incorrectly. See "Options / General Preferences... / Other / Weekend Starts On:" and make sure it is set to "Saturday".
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