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Selected investment files do not update when retrieve prices

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Postby atrooper0005 » Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:10 pm

Win 10 v1511 build 10586.71 (64 bit)
FM 2016.14.5.100, QM 493, TM 215

Problem demonstration:
Select Master Portfolio
Select retrieve and update prices from internet (YAHOO)
Price retrieval completes without reporting errors.
Save investments.
Inspect investment files (.dat) in win explorer. All investments files have date modified as today, except two files not updated.
Right click one of two investments that was not updated in FM Portfolio Editor, select Retrieve Internet. Returns error "Could not update any investments."
Click OK and view internet retrieve log file, last 2 lines: "Could not update any investments.
WARNING: Server used but did not update any prices: (YAHOO)"
Right click same investment ->retrieve historical (last 3 days). Same error. Reviewing log file shows that correct investment data was retrieved from YAHOO server but not saved.
From FM PE ->properties-> statistics File size and filename path match the expected file path. (both files)
FM PE double click selected investment (F5) -> Prices -> new enter the price from YAHOO manually. Click OK. Save Investments. Then the file modification date is updated to current date and price in FM is correctly edited.

Conclusion? PE can update the investment file but the QM cannot ??

More investigation:
Further inspection shows all files (including the problem files) have "rwx" permissions set for my user name. (Same for all other files that are working OK. everything seems OK from Windows)

Other news:
I typically retrieve prices from the master portfolio, and this group price update does not return any errors. Inspecting the price history for these two problem files I found that this issue has persisted for some time predating the Win 10 installation and fm 2016 last month. (Looks like I was just manually entering the prices quarterly on these investments for a while, and did not think about why until now. :oops: )


Not sure where to go with further diagnostics on this issue. Any ideas about what may be wrong?
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Postby Mark » Tue Feb 02, 2016 7:49 am

Hi atrooper0005,

Did you check the symbol is set correctly, and available on Yahoo? What symbol are you having trouble with? Please see this FAQ page for details on how to fix this: ... ailure.php
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Postby atrooper0005 » Tue Feb 02, 2016 5:46 pm

Yes the symbol is set correctly.

See this part of the post above:
"Right click same investment ->retrieve historical (last 3 days). Same error. Reviewing log file shows that correct investment data was retrieved from YAHOO server but not saved."

The log file presented with the error, lists the prices retrieved from the YAHOO server. The correct symbol was used and the correct prices were shown for that symbol. The Quote Manager was not able to save the price information.

The suggested link has to do with incorrect coding of the symbol, or the price server does not contain the symbol or the Quote manager is out of date.

I believe that this problem is different because:
1. The log presented by the Quote Manage lists all of the prices retrieved from the server. The log shows the symbol from the file and the information retrieved. This result suggests to me that the symbol is properly coded, and the server had the data and the Quote Manager was able to interpret the data retrieved from the server. All this information was written to the log.
2. The last line of the log suggests that the Quote Manager was not able to write the file update to the disk. I think that QM493 is the latest. See from the post below the last line of the log file: "Could not update any investments. WARNING: Server used but did not update any prices: (YAHOO)"
3. The Fund Manager Portfolio Editor was able to write to the same file when the prices are entered manually.

What I find interesting is that the QM could not write to the file but the portfolio editor could. Is this possibly a clue to the trouble?

I'm suspecting that the dat file may be corrupted. I will export the file contents tonight and inspect the results to try to find any problems. I then intend to delete the old dat file and import that exported transaction file to see if the newly constituted file works correctly.
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Postby atrooper0005 » Tue Feb 02, 2016 7:18 pm

I was able to resolve this problem by using the generic export tool to export all transactions in the failed file. A new file was created and the old transactions were imported to this new file. I introduced these new files to the portfolio and now the price updates work properly.

Three problems were discovered with this issue:
1. The DAT file was corrupted. No history on how. But two files were corrupted.
2. When a price update is performed on the portfolio, the price update of the file fails yet no error report is generated (silent failure). When a single investment price update is performed, the error is generated. (I would expect an error report for both failures)
3. The quote manager was not able to write prices to this file, while the Fund Manager Portfolio Editor was capable of doing so. This result suggests different write functions in different parts of the program.

I have removed most of the information from the file and it still exhibits the problem. I can upload it if you want to investigate this problem further.
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Postby Mark » Tue Feb 02, 2016 9:01 pm

Hi atrooper0005,

Glad it sounds like you got the issue resolved in your case. In the future, if you have trouble retrieving a price, please let me know what symbol you're retrieving, and what quote server.
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Postby atrooper0005 » Wed Feb 03, 2016 6:48 pm

The symbols are FFIDX and FGRTX from YAHOO.

The server contains these investments and the log file generated by FM said that the price data was down loaded. The log shows success with the price update all the way to writing the file at which point it failed.

Here is an example log file:
Retrieve Starting
Quote Module Version = 493
Retrieving from server: (YAHOO-HISTORICAL)
Requested Historical Retrieve Dates: 2/1/2016 - 2/3/2016
Requesting: "FGRTX "
Updating Data...
0 -> FGRTX: 14.420000 on 2/3/2016
0 -> FGRTX: 14.310000 on 2/2/2016
0 -> FGRTX: 14.640000 on 2/1/2016
Updating Data...
0 -> FGRTX: 14.420000 on 2/3/2016
0 -> FGRTX: 14.310000 on 2/2/2016
0 -> FGRTX: 14.640000 on 2/1/2016
Updating Data...
0 -> FGRTX: 14.420000 on 2/3/2016
0 -> FGRTX: 14.310000 on 2/2/2016
0 -> FGRTX: 14.640000 on 2/1/2016
Could not update any investments
WARNING: Server used but did not update any prices: (YAHOO-HISTORICAL)

This log only shows up with a historical update for more than than 1 day. I interpret this log to mean that the server had the data and the QM was able to decode the received data format. But failed to complete the update. This failure was further evidenced by the fact that the windows file modification date did not change as a result of the operation.

For a single day update the log looks like:
Retrieve Starting
Quote Module Version = 493
Retrieving from server: (YAHOO)
Requesting: "FGRTX "
Could not update any investments
WARNING: Server used but did not update any prices: (YAHOO)

There are two issues that bother me with these results:
1. The file was corrupted and FM did not recognize or report the corruption. It just failed in certain operations. (But succeeded in others!)
2. The some common operations failed and FM completed without indicating any errors. In the case of price updates for a group of investments in a portfolio, no errors are generated, but the update still failed for selected investments.

The point that I cannot make strongly enough is that it is OK when things fail, just please tell me about it so I can chase it down. :idea:
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Postby Mark » Wed Feb 03, 2016 7:17 pm

Hi atrooper0005,

The problem is you have a space after your symbol. Remove that space, and it should work. The log file is actually showing that it is not updating, and it is trying 3 times. It is not updating, because the symbol with a space after it isn't available. I test retrieved that symbol here, and it retrieved fine. Here is the log file for my test:

Retrieve Starting
Quote Module Version = 493
Retrieving from server: (YAHOO-HISTORICAL)
Requested Historical Retrieve Dates: 2/1/2016 - 2/3/2016
Requesting: "FGRTX"
Updating Data...
1 -> FGRTX: 14.420000 on 2/3/2016
1 -> FGRTX: 14.310000 on 2/2/2016
1 -> FGRTX: 14.640000 on 2/1/2016
Updated 3 Investments

Notice, in your log file, the line:

Requesting: "FGRTX "

and notice the space before the second double quote. Hopefully that addresses all your questions, if not, please let me know.
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Postby atrooper0005 » Thu Feb 04, 2016 6:37 pm

Thanks Mark for the feedback. Very simple fix if you know what to look for. :oops:

I may have over reacted somewhat in my last post, but my feelings about this issue are the same: It should not be so difficult to diagnose problems and the program must not fail silently.

If the log from quote manager gave me an indication something like Investment "FGRTX " not found, then the information request would be different.

Also, the portfolio price update fails silently. It took a long time for me to recognize that something was wrong because there were no reports of any trouble from the program. It was not until I did a single investment update that an error report was generated.

Please consider this a feature request for better diagnostics, at least for these two conditions and as a continuous improvement activity.

Thank you again for your patient and continued support of FundManager.

Best Regards
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Postby Mark » Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:50 am

Hi Ted,

Good point, we will see about improving this. I can especially see how the log file should be more clear.
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