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Run "Re-Create Default Cash Transactions Dialog"?

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Postby ThomasK » Tue Feb 02, 2016 12:02 pm

Hi Mark,

In order to balance my cash account I have to enter a funky constant.

Would "Re-Create Default Cash Transactions Dialog" fix this? Could I try/would it mess something up?

For sure, I might have to adjust the constant if it doesn't quite fix the issue and that's fine.

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Postby Mark » Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:41 pm

Hi ThomasK,

Why do you have to enter some funky constant. You shouldn't normally need to do this. Just keep your cash at a price of 1, and the shares are always equal to the value.

That "Re-Create Default Cash Account Transactions" command can be used if you need to re-create all the cash side of your other transactions recorded in the portfolio. For example, if you imported, and forgot to have a default cash account assigned. I'm not sure what your situation is, but if this will help, you can try it.
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Postby ThomasK » Thu Feb 25, 2016 11:26 am

Thanks Mark,

My issue for the funky constant seems to be either (a) an error or (b) just a function of when I began using FM and trying to get it and my statement to mesh. I do Transaction reporting and my brokerage is on a few adjustments now and again for dividends "declared" (FM records them properly as per Ex-div date) to account for money "in" FM and not yet "paid".

I'll do a backup and play with it...for some reason I think it is an error somewhere and recreating the cash file will fix it.

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Postby ThomasK » Fri Feb 26, 2016 12:31 pm

Hi Mark,
In reviewing how I'm using Fund Manager I think I noticed an error that would indeed be throwing out my cash balances!

Background: I wish to track individual investments without commissions in but at the end of the month account for all the commissions I paid in one lump sum so that my cash balance in FM jives with the cash balance on my brokerage statement.

a. I have all investments Transaction Entry Preferences in properties set to "No Fees"
b. At the end of the month I create 1 entry to show the commissions paid as a Distribution Transaction.

Question: Please see the attached example
I made 1 trade for a $9.99 commission that month. I input the Period beginning/ending dates, values, shares, BUT THE PRICE SHOULD HAVE BEEN NEGATIVE 1, YES?

Thanks...I sometimes get an incorrect concept in my head and can't seem to shake it out.

Incorrect way to record commissions.jpg
This should be entered with a "-1" for the price?
Incorrect way to record commissions.jpg (50.87 KiB) Viewed 2208 times
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Postby Mark » Fri Feb 26, 2016 6:33 pm

Hi ThomasK,

To record something like this you should record the value/shares as negative and leave the price at 1. The price for all cash transactions should always be 1. Since you have a negative number of shares, it will reduce the number of shares of cash you have, decreasing your balance.
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