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Options Income in Portfolio Performance

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Postby rrossME » Tue Aug 02, 2016 10:58 am


I recently started using Fund Manager and am having trouble factoring my option income into the %gain in the portfolio performance report.

I followed the instructions listed for selling puts and calls, and the income associated with each trade is being automatically added to the default cash account. However, when I pull up the portfolio performance report, the income is not being included in the "%gain", and is thus not being included in my overall return.

I'm just wondering how I can make sure the income I'm generating from my option selling strategy is being factored into my overall return. I attached an image of what the portfolio performance screen looks like, if that helps.

Any help would be truly appreciated.


portfolio perf MGIA aug 2.png
portfolio perf MGIA aug 2.png (34.48 KiB) Viewed 1935 times
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Postby Mark » Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:37 pm

Hi Robert,

Can you give me a specific example? What transactions do you have recorded, and what do you see in the Portfolio Performance report? If you want to just reference a certain line in your screen shot that is fine, but I'd also need to know what you have recorded for transactions within that period.
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Postby rrossME » Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:45 pm


For example, let's use the HII June 2016 call, $150. This is a closed covered call trade where I sold the option for $2.75 and generated $275 in income via the premium. I set this up so that the $275 was deposited in the cash account (i.e. entered New Investment --> sold 100 options [-100 shares] at $2.75 for the share price).

This caused the default cash position to increase by $275.

When the option expired worthless on June 17th, I recorded a purchase of 100 shares at a price of $0 per share.

What I'm wondering is how I get this $275 to be reflected in the %gain column in the portfolio performance (or if it is being included and I'm interpreting the data incorrectly).

I thought that this $275 wasn't being included since both the "CASH" row has a "NA" under "%gain" and because the "HII June 2016 call, $150" row also has "NA" under "%gain", though the "Gain" column has $275.
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Postby Mark » Tue Aug 02, 2016 3:27 pm

Hi Robert,

The income you earned from this option is included in your portfolio level figures. The %Gain and Yield cannot be calculated for this situation, as your cost basis is negative. You can see the equation for %Gain here: ... n_oop.html

and for the Yield (ROI), see this documentation: ... s_roi.html

Even though they aren't listed on the line item for the specific option, these effects are still included in your sub-portfolio figures.
Fund Manager - Portfolio Management Software
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