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Managing CDs, CD Ladders in FM -- Suggestions?

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Postby B2B_Investing » Sat Oct 08, 2016 4:54 am

Does anyone have any good recommendations on how to manage CD or CD ladders in FM? I have been using an investment type of "other" and manually updating interest quarterly/annually or at maturity. I am trying to cut down manual data maintenance. Can we focus on flat rate CDs first. I am not holding an inflation adjusted or variable rate CDs (Though, secondarily, I am curious how those would be managed)

My guess is to try to manage them as a "bond" investment type with an asset type of CD. (maturity=maturity, coupon rate as the APR, with a single payout at maturity?) Would this work? Any unintended consequences from a reporting perspective?

Thanks for any help,

Posts: 207
Joined: Wed Mar 19, 2014 8:44 am

Postby Mark » Sun Oct 09, 2016 10:40 am

Hi Jason,

You could track these either like cash or bonds. If you want to see expected future income, bonds may be better. If you track them like cash, just keep the price at 1, and shares equal to the value. For bonds, the price is 100 and shares are 1/100th the value. You don't have to set the income properties, but if you do, you can see the results in the Income Schedule report/graph.

Recording the income properties doesn't cut down on any required transaction updating. These properties are used for reporting expected income, but they don't automatically record transactions based off these properties.
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Postby B2B_Investing » Thu Oct 13, 2016 3:15 am

Thanks Mark,

I am tracking them as Cash now with an asset type of CD and will try bonds. I like the idea of being able to report the future income even if I still need to enter the transactions. I have not setup individual bonds in FM before. It looks like I can use bond summary report to manage the maturity of bonds. Does any one have any recommendations on how they do that?

Posts: 207
Joined: Wed Mar 19, 2014 8:44 am

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