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Portfolio Value graph excludes one subportfolio

Questions on using, creating, or understanding data in Fund Manager graphs.

Postby tktf » Sun Feb 26, 2017 11:31 am


I have a problem with the "Portfolio Value" graph (and the "Portfolio Cost - Value"). It is not including a recently added sub-portfolio in the total value and I don't understand why. If I look at a Portfolio Value report using the same sub-portfolio as the "starting point" for the report as I used in the graph, the total value is correct. But if I display it as a graph, the total excludes my newly added sub-portfolio.

I don't know whether this is relevant, but at the same time as I added the new sub-portfolio I also created another sub-portfolio solely for the purposes of being able to subtotal my holdings by different criteria. What I mean, is that I have one "master" sub-portfolio with my holdings separated according to who is managing them and another (containing only "links") that sorts the holdings by whether they are in my or my wife's name.

I have also tried bringing up the "Portfolio Value" report and then choosing "Graph -> Portfolio Value" directly from the right-click menu in the report window. The same problem occurs.

I am attaching a screen shot of the portfolio structure in the editor, with the sub-portfolio that I believe is being excluded highlighted.

Portfolio.png (16.52 KiB) Viewed 2176 times
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Postby Mark » Sun Feb 26, 2017 11:37 am

Hi Steven,

When you graph a sub-portfolio it always includes everything beneath it, so I am not sure of the issue. Is it maybe you're looking at the report/graph on different dates? How are you looking at the portfolio totals? One possibility is that graphs do not plot weekends by default, so that can be a source of confusion if comparing totals between a report and graph. Just make sure you're looking at the same dates.
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Postby tktf » Sun Feb 26, 2017 4:21 pm

Hi Mark,

It was the "graphs do not plot weekends by default" thing that mixed me up. When I set the date range to include next Monday, the graph updated correctly.

Thanks a lot!

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