Hi Mark,
Where can I find an explanation of the various formulas to be inserted in Graph Legends (Graph Options| Legend Text|Insert Field)?
Thanks Matt
Graph Legend Fields
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Hi Matt,
The description of the fields are in that dialog. As you click on a field, there is a "Description" shown below the list describing that selected field. If you have questions on any specific field please let me know.
Thanks. I was blind!
It seems fields like [[SUBPORT]} show up if a shareprice graph is called from the editor and within the subportfolio (when ii is really evident and not really needed) , but not if a shareprice graph is called from a report list for the whole portfolio when it would be really useful to know in which particular subportfolio the share was held. Best wishes Matt
Hi Matt,
Thanks for the feedback. Maybe we could add a new field that shows the lowest level sub-portfolio that investment belongs in, but the SUBPORT field is displaying the "active" portfolio for the graph window. When you request an investment based graph from a report, the active portfolio for the graph will be the same sub-portfolio you were reporting on in that report. Just as a tip, one easy way to find out what lower level sub-portfolio an investment is from when viewing a high level report is to put your mouse over that investment, and look in the status bar. It will display the sub-portfolio hierarchy to that investment.
Thanks. The mouse tip was really welcome. Another spot of blindness on my part.
As to the legend fields etc. in the graph: If the graph shows that I am in a particular sub-level portfolio when I click from the sub-portfolio, and that I am in the top level portfolio when I click from the top-level list - the info seems a bit redundant. The mouse tip is good. But it would be even more convenient to scroll through graphs from a report list, check the info in the legend and know immediately which (sub)portfolio one is looking at... Best Matt
Hi Matt,
Okay, thanks for the feedback.
Hi Mark,
Minor request: an option to remove the MAs infos in the graph legend. (and in the TA graph type too: MAs and Bollinger Bands infos). See: https://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/8358 ... 5h3202.png Thx.
Hi Djobydjoba,
Okay, understand this one too. Maybe you've already seen this option, but you can turn off "View / Legend" from within a graph window, and all of the legend text will not be displayed.
Indeed Mark. The upper part of the legend gives me useful info, but the MAs info are useless for me. And it takes some space, especially with 4 graphs displayed in my 22' screen. With 9 graphs displayed the MAs infos don't appear anymore, and that is well done.
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