Schwab retrieval
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I just started new and tried to download my portfolio info from Schwab to no avail. The only two Schwab otions available are one for 401-K's and for pensions plans. I'm retired and don't have these particular accounts anymore. the error message says the file can't be found for the account name and number I enter. Surely Fund Manager has access to Schwab, right?
Hi homebrook,
I think you're looking in the "S" section of the list. Instead, you want to use "Charles Schwab", down in the "C" section of the list.
Mark; I just had an on-line chat with Charles Schwab tech service. After using their server for retrieval, as you recommended, the reply was "missing ACCTINFORS in reply". Schwab has just admitted in writing this means they do not support Fund Manager! You do realize Fund Manager is using fraudulent sales practices informing potential customers they can easily retrieve info from their Schwab accounts! I just purchased Fund Manager with this expectation!! Please figure this out!
Hi homebrook,
We support retrieving from Schwab's OFX server. We have many customers successfully using it. Schwab doesn't directly support Fund Manager, but they support their OFX interface, which is the same interface used by programs like Quicken to retrieve transactions. Please try this: Retrieve from "Charles Schwab", and leave your account number empty. When you retrieve you should get prompted with a list of available account numbers for your username. Select the desired one, and then continue to see if this doesn't correct the problem.
When you don't enter an account number, do you get prompted with a list of available account numbers before that error message? I will send you an email. Can you reply to that with the log file from "Help / Logs / Transaction Retrieve" attached?
Mark; I got an email from schwab.com telling me to change my security settings if I wanted to allow third party access. I was to enter the Security Center (under services) on the Schwab.com website and enable Third Party Access from there. It worked, and now we seem to be up and running.
Hi homebrook,
Excellent, thanks for sharing your solution.
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