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Yahoo (Hisotrical) Cycles Twice to Get Data

Questions about updating prices or transactions in Fund Manager

Postby B2B_Investing » Sun Jul 08, 2018 4:13 am

Hi Mark,

I have been having some issues with Historic Retrieve. When I click the button on the tool bar and put in the date range, it cycles through all of the investments in orfder and cannot pull down any them. Then it cycles back through all of them a second time and pulls down the data. When I look in the log file, it pings all of the tickers three times (three separate rows) with the line "Warning - Unable to Update." It then cycles back through all of the tickers and is able to pull down the data. Not sure why it has to cycle twice but that means it takes more than twice as long to get the historic information.

This only appears to be happening with Yahoo (historical).

Thanks again for a great product!

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Postby Mark » Sun Jul 08, 2018 10:10 am

Hi Jason,

I'm not sure... Is this consistent? Are you using the latest quote module 532? What version of Windows are you using? If you visit Yahoo Finance with Internet Explorer (it must be IE, and not any other web browser), and then try a retrieve, does that fix the problem? If you retrieve with FM multiple times, does the problem only happen the first time?

If the above doesn't fix it, and it is reproducible in FM, please try this:

Go to "Options / Internet Settings... / Advanced Options..." and turn off "Persistent Request". Try another historical retrieve, and that should fail. Save both of the log files (regular and "Detailed") under "Help / Logs / Price Retrieve..." to other names, adding something like "1pass" to the end, just so we have a copy of the first pass. Go back, and turn on the "Persistent Request" option, and retrieve historical prices again. Assuming it fails the first time, and works in a later pass, please email us all 4 log files. There will be the regular/detailed versions, both with a single failed pass, and then the regular/detailed versions from the multiple successful pass.
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Postby B2B_Investing » Mon Jul 09, 2018 3:06 am


Yes it is consistent. I am using FM 2018 Professional with using quote module 532 and Windows 7 Professional 64bit on a new laptop. Visiting Yahoo Finance with IE and trying a retrieve yields the same response. It happen each time retrieve is used.

Turning off Persistent Request causes the same behavior. It runs through all of the symbols once with no data retrieved and then it reruns through the symbols collecting the data.

I am emailing your the logs. Looking through the logs again, I appears that the first failed passed indicates it is for splits while the second pass does not indicate it is for splits. I think I asked you this years ago: I have retrieve splits checked and retrieve dividends unchecked. I believe this mirrors the price retrieve functionality in the Personal version.

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Postby Mark » Mon Jul 09, 2018 10:10 am

Hi Jason,

Yes, you are right. The reason is because you are retrieving splits. FM takes one pass to get all split data, another to get distributions, and a third to get prices. It is working as intended, it is just that you don't have any splits in the requested date range. The Personal version does not support retrieving splits or dividends from Yahoo (Historical), so if you want to mimic the Personal version, un-check both options to retrieve splits and dividends, and then it will get the prices in the first pass.
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