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Postby Brentdc » Tue Mar 10, 2009 8:06 pm

I transferred all my data from 6.x to 9.4. Played around with it for a couple weeks. This evening I purchased it. Opened up my files again to create a new portfolio. When I look at the portfolio cost value window, I get two numbers. I then have that window tiled with the portfolio performance window. The value of each of these two windows is identical. The cost is off. I know the cost of the portfolio performance window is accurate, and the cost on the portfolio cost value window is wrong. It is off my several thousand dollars. What can I do? This started after I purchased the key this evening, but that may not have anything to do with it. Please help,
Posts: 11
Joined: Sun Nov 02, 2008 11:36 am

Postby Mark » Tue Mar 10, 2009 8:49 pm

Hi Brent,

Are you talking about the graph "Portfolio Cost - Value" and the report "Portfolio Performance"? There is no "cost" column in the Portfolio Performance report? Maybe you're looking at something else? Please let me know whether you're in a graph or report, and what specific number you're looking at.

One comment on the cost displayed in the "Portfolio Cost - Value" graph window that may be causing some confusion... You control whether the cost is 'Historical' or 'Current' with "Graphs / Options / Historical cost". This controls whether you want the cost over the life of the portfolio, or just the currently owned shares. You can create a custom report with:

Out of pocket basis (current)
Out of pocket basis (inception)

to get the same values in a report format as displayed in this graph.
Fund Manager - Portfolio Management Software
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Postby Brentdc » Tue Mar 10, 2009 9:03 pm

That solved the problem. Thanks. What is the difference between historic and current? I choose historic, and now the numbers are the same as in the "portfolio performance" amount invested.

Thanks again,
Posts: 11
Joined: Sun Nov 02, 2008 11:36 am

Postby Mark » Tue Mar 10, 2009 9:34 pm

Hi Brent,

Glad that fixed it. In short, the "Current" cost is the cost of only the currently owned shares, and ignores the realized gain/loss of any previously owned shares. The "Historical" cost goes back to inception, and includes the cost of all previously owned shares. When shares were sold, the cost is reduced by the amount they were sold for. For more on this, see: ... tcost.html
Fund Manager - Portfolio Management Software
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Location: Chandler, AZ

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