Questions on using, creating, or understanding data in Fund Manager graphs.
by chark86 » Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:44 am
I saw on the fund manager tutorial web site examples of the graphs,
and the X and Y axis had the values/legend displayed. I originally bought fund manager at the 8.0 version. I decided that I must need to get the 9.x version in order to have this capability so I purchased an upgrade. It still doesn't display any text/legend. I've tried going through all likely options and preferences to set this up and nothing works. In the tutorial you have to kind of know what to link to to get help, but I can't seem to figure out where this set up info is described.
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by Mark » Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:04 pm
Hi Chark86,
Are you able to display a graph? Does yours not have any X or Y axis labels? What graph type are you looking at? Here are some steps you can take to see at least some graph, so maybe this will help you get started.
Make sure you have some investments open, and then select "Graphs / Share Price". This will display the first investment is your selected portfolio. If you don't see any graphs at all, make sure you have "View / Graphs" turned on. Also, make sure you have an investment open in the Portfolio selected under the "Portfolio" menu. Also, you can set your date range with "View / Dates..." and you can set the scale under "View / Scale...". If you still don't see much of a graph, maybe you don't have any data recorded in the displayed investment? Look in the "Data Register" (Edit / All Data...) under the "Prices" data type to see if you have pricing data for your investments.
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by chark86 » Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:35 pm
I have graphs for all my investments with lots of data. I've been entering data on a very regular basis for a couple years now. I have the grid on the graph displayed, but without the X/Y legends, I have to try to figure out what the values on the grid are. At the upper left corner of the graphs is always displayed the value of the investment (or portfolio) and in () the amount of change, up or down. I can certainly see the ups and downs of the investment, the points are connected by a line. My only problem is trying to figure out at any point along the graph what the $ value is and when it was.
I can't figure out how to imbed a jpeg in this forum, otherwise I could take a snapshot of a graph I'm getting and show you what I mean.
Thanks for whatever you can tell me and for responding.
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by Mark » Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:43 pm
Hi chark86,
Sending a screenshot would be helpful. Please go here:
and fill out the email form with any basic message. Once you submit, you will be shown a regular email address that you can use to send us an attached JPEG.
If you reset your colors to the defaults, does that make a difference? See "Options / Colors..." and press "All Defaults" and then "Change".
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by chark86 » Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:16 pm
Amazing! Yes, I did Options/Colors and clicked All Defaults then Change then Done. I can't believe that fixed it! I don't understand why that affects it, but thanks for pointing me there. I would have thought this would be explained in the tutorial in the graphs section. I also would have thought this would be an option having to do with the display characteristics of graphs. But, this makes me very happy!
Thanks again! 
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by Mark » Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:23 pm
Hi chark86,
Glad that fixed it. It sounds like your label color was somehow set to the same as the background color.
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