For admin purposes I would like to be able to print out all of the characteristics assigned to investments in the Symbol List editor. Specifically the "asset type" percentages assigned to a symbol. In order to validate or update these assignments now I use Symbol List, pick a symbol, edit the asset type which, if not 100% to one type, requires scrolling to see/adjust the percentages. It would be very useful to get a report showing the percentages assigned. Can't create a custom report because I can't access the assigned percentages except in the Symbol List screen. Any work-around or suggestion?
Related issue. When doing a Portfolio Value report by asset type, the investments with more than 1 asset type (percentages) appropriately show up as multiple investment (with appropriate values) lines grouped within their asset type. While this is fine, it is somewhat confusing seeing the same investment showing up in multiple places. It would be nice to have a Values report not subtotaled but where an investment with multiple asset type assignments is listed on adjacent separate lines but totaling to the full value of the investment. I tried a Values report subtotaled by symbol, but it just shows the one total investment line. Any ideas for a work around or suggestion?