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Automatic price retrieve interrupted by popup

Questions about updating prices or transactions in Fund Manager

Postby pauyo » Tue Aug 17, 2021 3:50 am


I have a problem with the (price) Automatic Internet Retrieve function. that I hope you can help me with. I searched the forum, but did not manage to find this issue, so I hope you can help me here.

I have the FM application running 24/7 on a separate machine and want it to keep the prices for my investments updated automatically without my intervention. To achieve this, I have enabled Automatic Retrieve in the Internet Retrieve Settings option. As no single quote server will cover all the investments I have, I currently make use of multiple quote servers. These are Yahoo, WSJ, Morningstar and Fondscheck.

My problem is that each time the Automatic Internet Retrieve starts, the retrieve is interrupted by a popup window titled “Historical Price Retrieve Dates”, where From and To dates needs to be acknowledged. This makes the automatic retrieve in practice manual, as I need to press the OK button on that popup in order for the retrieve to proceed. It is always the FONDSCHECK-HISTORICAL source that triggers this popup (see attached screen shot). Any ideas how to do to avoid these interrupting popups?

Thanks in advance,
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Postby MichelV » Tue Aug 17, 2021 6:48 am

Haven't tested this so I might be wrong but you could try to set each Investment to Skip historical, since all your data is most likely up to date.
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Postby pauyo » Tue Aug 17, 2021 7:09 am

Hi MichelV,
Thanks for your advice. Maybe that change would do the trick. The problem is however that I am tracking too many investments and it would be a boring and time consuming process to change the setting for each and everyone of them. I would prefer if there is a quicker way.
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Postby Djobydjoba » Tue Aug 17, 2021 10:25 am

Hi Pauyo, the Automatic Internet Retrieve function uses the server specified in the "Quote Server" field of each investment (In Investment Properties > Internet Retrieve Tab).

This field should always contain a quote server that is not historical ("current price" quote server), because most of the Historical quote servers ask for a date range during retrieving.

So the problem comes from you've set an historical quote server (FONDSCHECK-HISTORICAL) in the Quote server field of one or several investments. For them, change the server for the FONDSCHECK quote server (not historical)
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Postby pauyo » Tue Aug 17, 2021 11:02 am

Hi Djobydjoba,

You are correct sir! I did go through the group of investments that require the Fondscheck server and, just as you state, I had by mistake choosen the Historical variant of the server for the "Quote Server" entry in a couple of investments.
Luckily, when the popup requesting the historical range pops up, the actual popup window for Internet Retrieve will show which investment is next to update (in the Current field), so that way I could identify all the impeding imvestments and correct the setting for those.

HOWEVER, that did strangly enough NOT help. I went as far as to disable internet price retrieve althogether (uncheck "Retrieve Price" in the "Internet Retrieve" tab of settings) for every investment that uses Fondscheck. The price retrieve still halts and a popup appears that requires a date range for FONDSCHECK-HISTORICAL. :shock: :?
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Postby Djobydjoba » Tue Aug 17, 2021 11:14 am

So there is still one or several investments with the FONDSCHECK-HISTORICAL :wink:
To identify quickly where are the culprits, you could display the column "Quote Server" in the Portfolio Editor.
PS: Display the hidden investments too, it may be hidden!
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Postby pauyo » Tue Aug 17, 2021 11:49 am

Well...yes! The key word was "hidden" :wink:

I was quite certain that I had corrected all investments that popup did request a fondscheck-historical date range for. However, when (I thanks to your brilliant note) displayed the hidden investments I could see that one of the investments I had corrected previously was duplicated (same symbol) with the duplicate being hidden and pointing to the Fondscheck-historical server in the "Quote Server" entry!

After correcting that one as well, the price retrieve works like a charm. Thank you for supporting me with this quite annoying issue! :D

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