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by Arrow » Wed Apr 20, 2022 9:31 am
Hello Mark , I would like to inform that SOLE24ORE Italian financial newspaper site has a lot of data data that one can dowload with historical data that in some cases go back even 10 years but they are in csv format. Is there a way to to make an automatic download either for the last quote or for the historical ones? I give you the link here for an example of an Italian Government Bond ... 449969.MOTIf feeasable it would worderful Thanks Arrow
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by Mark » Wed Apr 20, 2022 9:58 am
Hi Arrow,
You could import that CSV data now, using "File / Import / Prices / Generic...". If you decide to do this, and need help with the format string, please let me know. For instructions, press the "Help" button in that dialog.
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by Arrow » Wed Apr 20, 2022 10:08 am
Thanks Mark for your answer. I've already been able to import data from the csv file but the process is rather arduous. Do you think that Someone could program for me a macro? Thanks
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by Mark » Wed Apr 20, 2022 10:50 am
Hi Arrow,
I think you can import that CSV file without modification. Just use the XX key to mask out unused fields.
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by Arrow » Wed Apr 20, 2022 1:00 pm
I believe the problem is that the date column is after multiple unused ones. If I have correctly understood that the "XX" acts as " * " in Dos so in order to omit I must first cancel the ones that I'm not going to use.
By the way in which csv format do I have to save the file? Or do I have to compulsory save it in txt format ? Thanks for your answer
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by Mark » Wed Apr 20, 2022 5:07 pm
Hi Arrow,
Yes, you would need to put XX fields to skip over fields in the CSV file you're not using/importing. The position of the date keys, like MM, DD, YY need to line up with where the date is located in the CSV file.
CSV is just a text file, formatted with commas. You can just save the CSV file as downloaded from the site, and you shouldn't have to re-save it.
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by Arrow » Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:56 am
Thanks for Your answer.
1. I do realize I've to skip 14 coloms-fields, doI have to put 14 times XX or is enough once?
2. If the year date is with 4 digits e.g. "2022" do I have to change it in 2 digits "22" ?
3. I f the separation between MM DD YY is made with hyphen "-" do I need to change it with "/" ?
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by Mark » Thu Apr 21, 2022 9:42 am
Hi Arrow,
1) The XX will match everything up to the next character you put after XX, so when you type XX, it will match everything up to the next comma. Since you have 14 commas, you need to put XX, 14 times to get up to the comma before the date.
2) No, FM will read either the 2 or 4 digit date fine. You don't need to change it.
3) You put the hyphen in your format string, so it matches what is in the file. So, it would be:
for example. You don't need to change anything in the file. Just write the format string how the file is formatted.
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by Arrow » Fri Apr 22, 2022 6:23 am
Thanks Mark,
following your instructions I managed to speed up the import procedure. Obviously it would be much better to have an automatic update because I don't find most of my investements in the available servers.
What about Mestastock data? Do you think they will be easily readable one day?
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by Mark » Fri Apr 22, 2022 9:37 am
Hi Arrow,
A Metastock data file should be importable with the same command, as it is just a text file with fields separated by commas.
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by Arrow » Mon Oct 17, 2022 10:47 am
Mark wrote:Hi Arrow,
1) The XX will match everything up to the next character you put after XX, so when you type XX, it will match everything up to the next comma. Since you have 14 commas, you need to put XX, 14 times to get up to the comma before the date.
2) No, FM will read either the 2 or 4 digit date fine. You don't need to change it.
3) You put the hyphen in your format string, so it matches what is in the file. So, it would be:
for example. You don't need to change anything in the file. Just write the format string how the file is formatted.
Dear Mark, I cannot manage to do it, perhaps something wrong in the string I wrote for the import of the genric file. This is my string OO HH LL NAV VV XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX YY/MM/DD I have tried both with 13 or 14 couples of xx but they don' t work in any case. I have here attached the file that I downloaded Thanks for your help
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by Mark » Mon Oct 17, 2022 10:55 am
Hi Arrow,
Your string isn't matching your data. Look at the CSV file in a text editor (not Excel), so you can see how it is formatted. Here are the first 2 lines from your CSV file:
"open","high","low","close","volume","timestamp","formattedOpen","formattedHigh","formattedLow","formattedClose","formattedVolume","formattedTimestamp","relatedNews","issue","redemption","highLow","peCode","newsPnacWithCsk","Date" "101.34","101.56","101.18","101.5","7600000","2021-06-11T02:00:00+02:00","101.34","101.56","101.18","101.5","7600000","11/06/2021","","0","1","[object Object]","[object Object]","","2021-06-11"
So, your fields have double quotes around them, and are separated by commas, so your format string must have the same. It would be something like:
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by Arrow » Mon Oct 17, 2022 12:57 pm
Thanks Mark, it works perfectly. You have saved me tons of hours. Antonio
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