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Seasonality normalized / not normalized

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Postby Djobydjoba » Sun Feb 05, 2023 4:28 am

Hi Mark,

1) That would be nice if the option to switch between normalized and not normalized seasonality could be more directly accessible, eg. by the context menu of seasonality Graph/Report or by the menu. Both calculation modes are useful on a daily basis when working on seasonality, so the ability to quick switch between the two. Would be even greater with a keyboard shortcut.

2) The several Online Help pages on seasonality are a bit unclear, because essentially written with the normalized seasonality in mind.

This is what can be read in the seasonality pages:

numbers less than 0 indicate the performance during this calendar period were below average, and numbers greater than 0 indicate above average performance.

but this is only accurate when the seasonality is normalized. For not normalized seasonality it would be:

numbers less than 0 indicate the average performance during this calendar period were negative, and numbers greater than 0 indicate positive average performance.

In the same way, the seasonality definition that is given is only valid for the normalized seasonality:

Seasonality measures the relative performance of calendar periods within a year. The measurement is typically calculated over multiple years. Seasonality shows which times of the year the item typically performs above/below average.

So the Online help should maybe be reworked to make a better distinction from the beginning between normalized and not normalized seasonality, and adapts definitions and explanations afterwards depending on the two calculation modes.
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Postby Mark » Mon Feb 06, 2023 4:31 pm

Hi Djobydjoba,

Excellent points, thanks. We'll clean this up.
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