Questions about updating prices or transactions in Fund Manager
by Vandring » Sat Mar 11, 2023 7:55 am
I have a Fidelity BrokerageLink account through Fidelity NetBenefits. I was previously able to download transactions, but now I get a message that it doesn't recognize the account number. I specify the account number as found on the Fidelity website.
Any suggestions on why this may have stopped working?
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by Mark » Sat Mar 11, 2023 8:45 am
Hi Vandring,
If you erase the account number, so it is blank, and do a retrieve, do you get prompted with a list of your account numbers? Is it in the list?
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by sgurd4oilop » Sat Mar 11, 2023 12:04 pm
I am also having this issue today. I last downloaded in FM on 3/5/23 without issue. I tried deleting the account number to see if it came up in the box of "select this account". It did not. The only account that pops up is the 401k account that is linked with the BrokerageLink account. I sent in a question to Fidelity to see if they had any input/suggestions/feedback.
The very odd thing is that I am able to download into my banking program using the same credentials (minutes after trying in FM) from this BrokerageLink account. This is my usual "go-to" troubleshooting step so I can use the phrase "the Quicken link for downloading" does not work. Almost no tech service call people have even heard of Fundmanager. Now mind you, saying the Quicken link is not working results in the call support answering back "that's a Quicken problem. Not ours. Talk to Quicken." A vicious circle leaving the users to generally fend for themselves.
I will let this thread know if I hear anything back from Fidelity, or if the downloads magically start again.
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by sgurd4oilop » Sat Mar 11, 2023 12:27 pm
Vandring wrote:I have a Fidelity BrokerageLink account through Fidelity NetBenefits. I was previously able to download transactions, but now I get a message that it doesn't recognize the account number. I specify the account number as found on the Fidelity website.
Any suggestions on why this may have stopped working?
Also Vandring: I had this issue when I first started and I recall I had to make the account number start with BLNK immediately followed by the Fidelity account number. However, in the today problem, neither account number worked. It does appear that the linkage is working (at least for me). It always replies back with "choose from these accounts" of which the one account it offers is the 401k account that is linked. I can confirm -- DO NOT select that option and then download transactions. It changed a bunch of my prices to $1 in multiple different accounts. Easy to find and fix, but what a surprise when I looked at today's gain and it was way, way, way down.
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by Mark » Sat Mar 11, 2023 3:04 pm
Hi sgurd4oilop, The very odd thing is that I am able to download into my banking program using the same credentials (minutes after trying in FM) from this BrokerageLink account.
Is this from within Quicken? Are you using the same "Fidelity NetBenefits" quote server in Quicken as in Fund Manager?
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by Vandring » Mon Mar 13, 2023 4:03 am
Mark wrote:Hi Vandring,
If you erase the account number, so it is blank, and do a retrieve, do you get prompted with a list of your account numbers? Is it in the list?
I deleted the BrokerageLink account number. When I tried the retrieve, it presented a list of one account number -- my NetBenefits number. The BrokerageLink number was not in the list.
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by sgurd4oilop » Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:25 am
Vandring wrote:Mark wrote:Hi Vandring,
If you erase the account number, so it is blank, and do a retrieve, do you get prompted with a list of your account numbers? Is it in the list?
I deleted the BrokerageLink account number. When I tried the retrieve, it presented a list of one account number -- my NetBenefits number. The BrokerageLink number was not in the list.
My experience as well Vandring. Mark: Yes. I do not use Quicken, but when I looked at setup for the NetBenefits account in the program I do use, it was using Fidelity NetBenefits, just as I have setup in FM. I've still not heard back from Fidelity. The problem continues today.
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by Mark » Mon Mar 13, 2023 9:45 am
It sounds like these BrokerageLink accounts are not available on the Fidelity NetBenefits OFX server for some reason. I would suggest asking Fidelity how to retrieve transactions for such accounts for Quicken. It may be you now have a different login, or they aren't available anymore.
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by sgurd4oilop » Mon Mar 13, 2023 10:51 am
Mark wrote:It sounds like these BrokerageLink accounts are not available on the Fidelity NetBenefits OFX server for some reason. I would suggest asking Fidelity how to retrieve transactions for such accounts for Quicken. It may be you now have a different login, or they aren't available anymore.
Indeed that is my approach. Upon more detective work, it looks like I can successfully download a Fidelity Investment account as well as a Fidelity NetBenefits account. The OFX logs appear to be the same <FID> and <ORG>. That led me to try just plugging in Fidelity Investments as the server in FM. I tried, it just fed back the current investment accounts. The OFX logs in FM do indeed show different <FID> and <ORG>. My next test is to remove all the accounts from the Fidelity Investments OFX server and then see if it offers me the opportunity to add the NetBenefits account. Just adding that account to Fidelity Investment OFX server only gave me my current investment accounts, not the additional NetBenefits account.
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by sgurd4oilop » Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:11 pm
Seems as if this problem has been going on since about March 8, 2023 for many Quicken users (good luck getting Quicken to fix ANYTHING). Reading through the thread of posts, it seems as if something has changed in Fidelity's side. ... -ol-220/p1
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by Vandring » Tue Mar 14, 2023 1:11 am
Just found a reply from Fidelity on Reddit about this issue. They say they are aware of the problem and are working on the issue.
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by Mark » Tue Mar 14, 2023 9:03 am
Great, thanks for sharing
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by sgurd4oilop » Thu Mar 16, 2023 1:20 pm
As I continue to probe this issue, it seems that when I set up accounts with Fidelity Investments, only those accounts appear (as they had in the past). To get to my NetBenefits account, I had to set it up with Fidelity NetBenefits server username and password. That is the way it still works today in FM.
In the banking program I use (not Quicken), when I set up my Fidelity Investments accounts, I get a choice now of all of the Investment accounts as well as the lone NetBenefits account (using the Fidelity Investments server, password, username). It will download the NetBenefits account.
So oddly, it would appear that the OFX response is different between the two programs. In FM I only get my Fidelity Investment accounts offered back to me if I do not specify an account number. In my banking program I get those same accounts PLUS the NetBenefits account when using the same Fidelity Investments server, username, password.
Are there OFX logs that I can provide that might help solve the problem? I've got my banking program that successfully downloads the NetBenefits account (although from the Fidelity Investments OFX server). In FM, the Fidelity Investments OFX server does not offer up the NetBenefits account.
I'd love to help solve the problem if you can provide some guidance.
Thanks in advance.
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by Mark » Thu Mar 16, 2023 1:28 pm
Hi sgurd4oilop,
There are 2 different OFX servers, one for Fidelity Investments, and one for Fidelity NetBenefits. If you log into one, you'll only be able to get the account numbers available on that OFX server. It sounds like everything is working properly on the 2 OFX servers, except that this BrokerageLink account that used to show up on Fidelity NetBenefits is now not showing up. In this case, this would have to be fixed by Fidelity.
I'm not sure how your banking program is working, and there are differences between "banking" and "investment" accounts with OFX servers. It may be using some interface altogether different from OFX servers.
Fund Manager does have log files of all the OFX communication. See "Help / Logs / Transaction Retrieve".
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by sgurd4oilop » Thu Mar 16, 2023 1:58 pm
Using the same server with FM and my banking program. Both programs use OFX downloaded data. Both programs offer up the accounts that particular server knows about. With FM, I get offered up three of my accounts. With my banking program (using the exact same server), I get four of my accounts offered up to me. The OFX offered responses to ACCTINFO are giving two different answers in the two different programs.
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