FINRA Bonds not working
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Hi gbergou,
Thanks, I see the same problem. We'll investigate, and I'll post back here.
Hi gbergou,
It appears FINRA has made some significant changes to their website and bond quotes. This will take some time to prepare an update. I'll post more here as we progress.
Unfortunately, the new FINRA site may not be something we will be able to adapt to and fix. We will look for alternatives. There are 2 alternatives currently available:
1) Use the Transaction Retrieve feature to get pricing from your broker. When retrieving transactions, prices are also updated as reported by your broker, even if you have no new transactions. This will only be applicable if your bonds are held at one of the brokers that supports retrieving transactions. 2) The quote server "Boerse Berlin - Bonds" does also offer US corporate bond quotes. You will need to change the symbol of your bonds from the "ticker" value that FINRA used to use to the ISIN used by this server. See the instructions for this server. If your bond investments are set to retrieve under "Investment Properties... / Internet Retrieve" from FINRA, you will need to change them to this new server. You can do it under Investment Properties... on a per-investment basis, or to quickly change all of your bond investment type investments to use this new server, you can use "Options / Internet Settings... / New Investment Defaults...". Choose the "Bond" investment type, adjust the quote server to this new server, and use "Apply Settings to Existing Investments...". This will change all of your investments of type bond to these new settings.
Hi Gyorgy,
Thanks for the feedback. If you look at Markets Insider here: https://markets.businessinsider.com/bonds do they offer the bonds you need that you used to be able to get on FINRA?
Hi Gyorgy,
Okay, thanks again for the feedback. That is unfortunate. It seemed like a decent alternative to FINRA.
The ability to retrieve from the Finra - Bonds quote server has been restored with version 2022.17.7 of Fund Manager along with quote module 583. You can download this now from the download page. The instructions have changed slightly with this server, you now need to use the CUSIP instead of the prior "ticker" value. Here are the instructions for retrieving from Finra - Bonds:
I'm having difficulty getting prices from FINRA for municipal bonds and treasuries. I wonder if FINRA is working only for corporate bonds, which seem to be fine.
This is not a Fund Manager issue, but an issue with FINRA. For example when I go to https://www.finra.org/finra-data/fixed-income and search for CUSIP 952377UC1, I get "no results found". FINRA pointed me to EMMA for muni bonds https://emma.msrb.org/Home/Index and a search for the CUSIP was successful. Similarly, FINRA could not locate the treasury with CUSIP 912810FT0 (30 year Treasury with coupon 4.5% maturity 2/15/2037). FINRA used to be able to retrieve prices for these bonds using their custom symbols. Are others having problems with munis and treasuries on FINRA?
Hi dlevy,
If you can't find the investment when searching from: https://www.finra.org/finra-data/fixed-income then, you won't be able to retrieve that investment from Finra - Bonds. It sounds like their available selection has changed... We do also support the "US Treasury" quote server, so for example, your treasury with a CUSIP of 912810FT0 is available on that server. You can read about using that server here: https://www.fundmanagersoftware.com/int ... USTreasury
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