by Mark » Tue Jun 13, 2023 7:54 am
Hi Andy,
Yes, that is the easiest, and what I'd recommend. Just change the portfolio name/account number/transaction retrieve settings. This way you don't have to "transfer" shares, and you just maintain 1 sub-portfolio with the full history. You could record a portfolio memo that the account was moved on such and such date. You would have the issue of having to combine 2 1099's for this one transfer year when reconciling.
If for some reason, you do want to separate these into 2 completely separate sub-portfolios, you can use the "Transfer Between" wizard on each share to transfer all your shares between sub-portfolios as of the transfer date. This has the downside of splitting your history, but it would make it such that each sub-portfolio would match the appropriate 1099 at the end of the year.