Yahoo Historical gave wrong prices
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Just updated Historical prices from 1st to 31st August with disastrous results, see screenshots, How do I get out of this? Do I need to use backups for every .dat file (I hope not!)
Hi progers1947,
Can you give me an example ticker symbol that is retrieving the wrong pricing from Yahoo (Historical)? I don't see a problem when testing with some samples from here. Also, what quote module are you using? See "Help / About...". The latest is 586. To fix any wrong data, you can either quit without saving or restore from a recent backup. 1) Quit without saving: Make sure the options to save on exit under the "Options" menu are un-checked, and exit FM, saying No, when asked to save. 2) Restore: FM makes automatic backups, and you can restore from one of these using "File / Restore...". With a single restore, you can restore everything. See "Options / General Preferences... / Data" for the location/frequency of your automatic backups.
Hi Mark
All the tickers were giving the wrong prices, e.g.AV.L, BA.L, BAB.L to nane a few It was tonight I realise all the back up files were 2021, there were 30 of them, should they not be overwritten, oldest first? So I'm restoring all my current share prices from NAS backups, one at a time!
Hi progers1947,
Yes, the automatic backup will overwrite the oldest one. You might double check you're looking in the correct folder, or search your hard drive for *.FMB. Maybe they are in another folder, or maybe you have automatic backup turned off? I think I may know what has caused the problem. As of quote module 585 we applied the divide by 100 scaling for all symbols ending in .L to the Yahoo (Historical) server. This was done in an attempt to help Yahoo users in Europe when the daily Yahoo servers weren't working, and to make it consistent with the Yahoo - UK & Ireland server. This update happened in early August, and it sounds like you're only updating once a month, so this might be the first time you've run into this. Are you tracking your prices in pence or pounds? By default now, .L investments will be updated in pounds. If you want them in pence you'll have to make a registry edit or modify your investment's retrieve properties. Please see the instructions here: https://www.fundmanagersoftware.com/intrtv.html#YahooUK where you go in and set the registry value of "yahoo_uk" to 1. Or, you can set the "Investment Properties... / Internet Retrieve / Multiple Retrieved Price" to 100.
Hi Mark
I display all my prices in £ so the internet retrieve is set to divide prices from Yahoo by 100. I just tried an experiment with BNZL whose price before the exchange opened was £28.010 Downloaded the Historical prices using Yahoo Historical and the price comes out as something like £0.28 so it is being divided by a further 100. Should I not be using Yahoo (Historical) to retrieve historical prices? Peter
Further experiment, set the Historical prices server to Yahoo rather than Yahoo (Historical) and the same thing happened
Hi progers1947,
BNZL is not available on Yahoo. Did you mean BNZL.L? Here are some quote/server combinations, and what you should expect from each one:
I just verified all of the above are working like this. The Yahoo server won't divide .L symbols by 100, but both the Yahoo UK & Ireland and Yahoo (Historical) will. So, make sure you're recording the symbol like BNZL.L and that you're using Yahoo UK & Ireland for the quote server, and Yahoo (Historical) for the historical quote server. Also, make sure you set the "Multiple Retrieved Price By" to just 1. You don't want to be scaling it more than once.
I did mean BNZL.L, the problem is nearly solved!
I was using Yahoo as my Default quote server so I need to change that to Yahoo - UK & Ireland I then need to go through all my investments one at a time and change the Properties/Internet Retrieve from multiply the price by 0.01 to 1.0 then it will all work OK! Thanks for the help Peter
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