Hi Mark,
In the portfolio editor I have a list of subportfolios.
The columns defined in the portfolio editor, are (among others):
- Value
- OOP Historical Basis
- OOP Historical Gain
- OOP Historical %Gain
For all the subportfolios, the OOP Historical %Gain is correctly computing the ratio (OOP Historical Gain/OOP Historical Basis) as it should…
… except for one subportfolio, where the calculation doesn’t seem correct.
The subportfolio in question is a Long/Short market neutral, leveraged, subportfolio. It’s the only subportfolio which has both long and short positions, and is a bit leveraged. The calculation of OOP Historical %Gain seems to be off in only this subportfolio.
In the entry for this subportfolio under the OOP Historical %Gain column, it is showing -2%.
But if you manually divide the value it shows in the OOP Historical Gain column by the value it shows in the OOP Historical Basis column, the division comes to -6.7%.
The OOP Historical Basis column is a large positive $ amount, and the OOP Historical Gain column is a relatively small negative $ amount. Both those $amounts seem correct.
It's only the resulting OOP Historical %Gain calculation which seems to be wrong.
If I had to venture a guess, I would say it seems to be dividing the $ OOP Historical Gain by the sum of the absolute values of the long side positions, the short side positions, and the cash position, rather than just dividing by the OOP Historical Basis of the subportfolio, like it should.
Would it be possible to please advise?
Thanks very much!