Hi Mark,
In the Custom Investment Properties dialog that would be great to have a type: "Text - List" too. A set of text values the property can take could be specified here. In the Custom tab of the Investment Properties dialog a drop down menu would allow to select the desired value among the possible values in the list.
This would permit to create too boolean choice (yes / no) or any other useful list. The list is limited to predefined values, which makes it easier to enter data and avoids typing errors. Too, this could offer new possibilities to categorize the investments, in addition to Investment Type / Investment Goal / Asset Type / Sector. (without the ability to break down in %, though).
Too, I would really like to have this "Text - List" type property to be filterable in the Report Filter dialog, as the other categories (Asset Type, etc.). So to be able to filter in or out the investments depending on the value of this list-type custom property: