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Problem to set a default floating date range in graphs

Questions on using, creating, or understanding data in Fund Manager graphs.

Postby Djobydjoba » Sat Sep 28, 2024 4:08 am


In investment graphs, I want the default date range for all investments to be: two years displayed, the end date to be Today (except for the week-end: the end date to be Friday).
So if an investment has not received any price update for several days, a straight line between its last price and today is displayed, this is what I want too.
I want each day to see this range of 2 years for all of my investments, so adjusted automatically each day.

To achieve this, I've applied these settings (considering Today is the 27/09/24):

20240928-sam.13h06-01.png (10.37 KiB) Viewed 729 times

And in the Graph Options, I've checked too "Start Date Floats with End Date".
"Omit Weekends On Investment Based Graphs" is checked too (not sure if it's useful to mention that)
Then I've saved the portfolio.

The problem is, after on day or two, I can see that the end date of some investments (but not all) are not updated to "Today" and remain to 27/09/24.

Maybe it's a bug, or my settings are not appropriate for what I want to achieve?
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Postby Mark » Mon Sep 30, 2024 9:32 am

Hi Djobydjoba,

Sorry for the delay in responding, I had to look at this in more detail... The end date of portfolio recalled graphs will only "float" when that end date is the default ending date. The default ending date is the date of the last recorded price on/before the current date. If you specify some other end date, that is not the default ending date, that ending date will remain fixed to what you've set it to.

When the ending date is set to "float" it will float to the default ending date (which may be different than the current date).

So, in your example case below if you set all investments to end on 27/09/24, but those investments don't have a price recorded on that date, then this won't be their default ending date, and their end date will remain fixed to what you set it to (27/09/24). Basically, in order to "float" the ending date, you must set them all to their own default ending date (use the "Recalculate Pre-Defined Range for Each Investment" to do this), and then they will all float, but float to their default end date. So, there is no option to do what you're looking for currently. You can't set everything to float to today, regardless of each item's default ending date.
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Postby Djobydjoba » Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:10 am

Hi Mark,

I see. Thanks for the explanation.

in order to "float" the ending date, you must set them all to their own default ending date (use the "Recalculate Pre-Defined Range for Each Investment" to do this), and then they will all float, but float to their default end date.

I used this setting for a long time. But you are never sure that the ending date is the today date or and older date, so you have to check the ending date at the right of the X scale almost each time you display a new graph, which is a quite tedious. I'd want to be sure the ending date is always today, to be 100% confident about that. Sometimes I look at some graphs and realize after a while that it's an older date. This can have a negative impact on the reliability of the analysis during a market review.

For now I will come back to this setting, and will manually set the ending date as the today date before doing a market review. If an option to always float the ending date to the today date is feasible I'd be interested.

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Postby Mark » Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:30 am

Hi Djobydjoba,

Okay, thanks for the feedback. I'll document this better than it is now, and hopefully we can add more control over how the end graph dates float in the future, similar to how you can control report dates.
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Postby Djobydjoba » Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:56 am

Sounds like a good prospect!
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