Schwab Access code not working?
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My Schwab token for retrieval of transactions and for reconciliation stopped working today. Before I following the instructions on the Fund Manager popup window to get a new token, I thought I'd check to see if others were having the same issue. Thanks, David
Yes. You have to get Schwab site to assign a new code.
Right click on portfolio in FM. Choose Properties. Click on Transaction Retrieve Settings and follow instructions including signing into Schwab, re-choosing the accounts you want to link, and following the instructions until you can select Done in Schwab and close in FM. Successful completion will establish new codes for all linked accounts (or at least the ones I've tried).
Really need your help. Am unable to down load transactions from Schwab to FM. Studied your response "Right click on portfolio in FM. Choose Properties. Click on Transaction Retrieve Settings and follow instructions including signing into Schwab, re-choosing the accounts you want to link, and following the instructions until you can select Done in Schwab and close in FM. Successful completion will establish new codes for all linked accounts" and did exactly what you indicated. In my case, the icon just does nothing. What do you think I'm doing wrong? Thanks, Phil
Hi Phil,
The complete instructions for retrieving from Schwab are here: https://www.fundmanagersoftware.com/faq ... ersion.php 1) Have you been downloading previously, or are you just setting up a new account? 2) Which "icon" are you referring to that does nothing? Are you able to click on "Get Access Code..."? Does it open up your web browser to Schwab's site, where you can log in?
Thanks for your response. Have previously been downloading transactions from each of our five accounts at Schwab. Most recent transaction download was 01/31/2025. The original error I got yesterday was Failed to retrieve portfolio. Broker: Charles Schwab - NEW Sub-Portfolio: NQ_JNT Account #: Error: Unable to Verify Token File. Use "Get Access Code..." to obtain a new Access Code. Right clicked on the NQ_JNT portfolio in FM, choose Properties, clicked on Transaction Retrieve Settings. There are NO FURTHER instructions in the Transaction Retrieve panel. Clicked "show Password" which just displays the password. After choosing Charles Schwab, received an error message (didn't photograph) and apparently at least one of the five accounts correctly downloaded transactions. One account (NQ_JNT) presented the error: "Failed to retrieve portfolio". So it appears the Get Access Code didn't work (I guess). Again, thanks for you help. Phil
Hi Phil,
Okay, glad you got it working.
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