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Create a way for people to vote on suggestions

Comments, critical feedback, praise, or suggestions for new features.

Postby lucabol » Sun Oct 28, 2007 8:22 am

Does this new forum gives you the technology for a user to post a feature suggestion and other users vote for it? I.E. user-created surveys.

I've seen that been very helpful in feature prioritization. You don't need to code the ones at the top (maybe they are very difficult to do), but at lease you'd know what your users want the most.

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Postby Mark » Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:51 am

Hi Luca,

Yes, it does. I previously had that option turned off, but I've just now turned it back on for this particular forum. I can see how that could be helpful, given enough participation.
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Postby lucabol » Sun Oct 28, 2007 12:39 pm

Sorry, I must be slow today.

How do I create a suggestion for other FM users to vote for (or against)?

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Postby Mark » Sun Oct 28, 2007 1:28 pm

Hi Luca,

When you create a new topic, you will see a section below the topic body to create a "Poll". You can define the poll question, and then all the possible answers. The ability to create a poll is only available on new topics, not when you reply to an existing topic. If you still don't see it, please try logging out and then back in. I did just change the permissions, and maybe you need to re-login to see this option.
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Postby lucabol » Sun Oct 28, 2007 5:54 pm

I can see it now. Thanks

<My geeky side speaking>
It is a bit too flexible. Everyone can set up their own scheme for other people to vote. It would be nice if you (Mark) could set up a standard format for all the feature requests. For example
. Title
. Description
. Four options to pick: "It is critical for me", "I don't need it", "I'm neutral" and "I'm against it"

This would help other users to look at them and you to prioritize them. If you cannot set up such a format, maybe you can create a sticky post that describes how you prefer people to create feature requests.
</My geedky side speaking>

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Postby Mark » Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:51 pm

Hi Luca,

I see you've invented a new HTML tag: <My geeky side speaking> :)

My preferred way to have feedback requests is just through messages in this forum. If someone sees an idea that they would really like, they can just also reply to the topic, and add that they'd also like to see this feature. I think this will work out better than the polls.
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Postby lucabol » Sun Oct 28, 2007 8:08 pm

All right, I imagined that. I'll start to send out my feature reqs.
Posts: 52
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