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Questions about updating prices or transactions in Fund Manager

Postby rgrichster » Sun Jan 13, 2008 7:03 am

I'm currently evaluating the personal version of Fund Manager but have noticed that sub-portfolios appears to be unique in terms of the securities within them.
For instance, if i have three sub-portfolios under my main portfolio and each has Ford stock in it and I record a stock split within one sub-portfolio it is not reflected in any of the other portfolios.
Is there a way to record information on a security (i.e. splits, etc) and have it reflected in every portfolio in which that security exists?

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Postby Mark » Sun Jan 13, 2008 9:40 am

Hi Randy,

Your observations are correct, this is how Fund Manager works. Each investment is independent, so you can record separate transactions (and prices/splits) in each one. I can understand expecting all the prices/splits to be the same for a common symbol, but Fund Manager keeps them separate between each investment file. In a future version we do plan to offer the option to apply a split transaction to other investments with the same symbol.
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Postby rgrichster » Sun Jan 13, 2008 11:07 am

Thanks for the quick response. I'm some what surprised at the functionality as it is contrary to how things work. If a security splits it's going to split in every portfolio which is holding that security. Hopefully price updates don't do the same thing.
I'm currently using MS Money and would like to transition to a better portfolio management tool and saw several pointers in a financial forum regarding Fund Manager.
I guess the independent split recording is not a big deal just in my intial transfer into the tool since I have to setup the splits manual any way. I'll just need to repeat the setup in each of the portfolios I define.

Price updates are global to all portfolios correct?

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Postby Mark » Sun Jan 13, 2008 11:12 am

Hi Randy,

Prices are actually stored separately in each investment file as well. Each investment file (*.dat) stores the properties, transactions, and pricing information.

However, when you retrieve prices, each unique symbol is retrieved once, and all investments with that same symbol are updated with the retrieved price.

Also, if you have your transaction history in Money now, you can export to either QIF or OFX and then import this into Fund Manager. I'm not sure Money can export to OFX, but I know it can export to QIF (Quicken Interchange Format). After you export to QIF, use "File / Import / Transactions / Quicken (*.QIF)...". You can press the "Help" button in this dialog for some tips on exporting QIF files. In particular, you would want to export accounts, securities, pricing, and transactions.
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