by Mark » Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:31 am
Hi Don,
When you retrieve from your broker (Vanguard in this case), they provide the symbol for each security. The actual transaction retrieve is done by CUSIP, but the name/symbol are normally provided as well. Did you verify under "Investment Properties..." that the CUSIP is being recorded in the symbol field?
If no symbol is provided by the broker, Fund Manager will default the symbol to be the CUSIP, since this is always available. If some of your investments don't have the proper symbol I would suggest turning on logging, and looking at the response from Vanguard to see if it had the symbol or not. Maybe there was a temporary problem, or something, as usually they do provide the symbol I believe.
To enable logging, see "Options / General Preferences... / Other / Create Log Files When Importing Transactions". Log files will be stored in the hidden folder:
C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\Fund Manager
Try going through the New Portfolio Setup wizard again for your account, and afterwards, look at the xmldump.txt log file. If you'd like me to look at it, please email it to me. If you want to look at it yourself, look for SECINFO. You should have one of these sections for each security, and in each one of these there should be a TICKER value, which shows the symbol as reported by the broker (Vanguard).