We have part of our assets at TDA and part at BGWM. We have two completely separate portfolios in FM. Each has multiple year histories as well as multiple sub-portfolios.
We are consolidating all investments at TDA. Some assets at BGWM will be liquidated and moved as cash; others will be transferred in-kind.
To make sure both firms will transfer assets/cash, we have moved a token amount of cash from BGWM to TDA. No FM problems there.
We have initiated a partial transfer of one mutual fund from our trust account, two separate IRAs, and two separate ROTHs. Our problems is we want all the history in FM transferred from the BGWM FM portfolio/sub-portfolios to the TDA FM portfolio/sub-portfolios.
Your assistance to mse 12/03/12 helped, but don't really understand how to do the partial for the initial step of the move. Want all old history for the in-kind assets moved from the BGWM FM portfolio/sub-portfolio when all the in-kind transfers are complete.
FYI, we're running FM 11.9 professional.
Sincerely, Phil