Alert Dialog


This dialog is available from the Edit / Alert... menu command under the Graphs window.  It is also available at Edit / Investment Data / Alert... in the Portfolio Editor window, or by right clicking on any investment and choosing the Investment Data / Alert... popup menu command.  It is also available from the Data Register under the "Alerts" Data Type.


Setting an alert will cause Fund Manager to notify you whenever the specified alert conditions are met.  The actions performed by Fund Manager when an alert is triggered are specified under the Alert Options Dialog.


There are both "Price" based alerts, as well as "Date" based alerts.


Price Crosses Below Fixed Price

When this option is enabled you can specify a lower price target.  If the price goes below the specified price the alert will be triggered.

Price Crosses Above Fixed Price

When this option is enabled you can specify an upper price target.  If the price goes above the specified price the alert will be triggered.

Trailing Stop Loss

This option is available in the Professional/Advisor versions.  The alert price is adjusted as the investment price reaches new highs. The alert price is a percentage below this high price.

Price Crosses Below Moving Average

This option is available in the Professional/Advisor versions.  If the price goes below the specified moving average the alert will be triggered.

Price Crosses Above Moving Average

This option is available in the Professional/Advisor versions.  If the price goes above the specified moving average the alert will be triggered.

Latest Price Date Passes Trigger Date

This option is available in the Professional/Advisor versions.  The alert can be triggered by any of the custom investment properties or the maturity date of a bond when the most recent recorded price date equals or passes this trigger date.

Current Date Passes Trigger Date

This option is available in the Professional/Advisor versions.  The alert can be triggered by any of the custom investment properties or the maturity date of a bond when the current calendar date equals or passes this trigger date.


Alerts can be specified for a particular date range with these next 2 options:


Only Notify After

When this option is enabled you can specify a beginning date when Fund Manager should start monitoring the price.

Only Notify Before

When this option is enabled you can specify an ending date when Fund Manager should stop monitoring the price.


Any text comments about this alert

Add Alert To

This option is available in the Professional/Advisor versions.  Choose whether to add a single alert to the specified investment or whether to add this same "equivalent" alert to all investments in a selected sub-portfolio.  When creating an equivalent alert for the "Fixed Price" types of alerts, Fund Manager adjusts the alert price for each investment to be the same percentage away from the current price as you've specified in this dialog for the displayed investment.  When you add the equivalent alert to all investments in a sub-portfolio, only displayed and non-cash type investments will have an alert added.  If you want to add the alert to hidden investments, turn on "View / Hidden Investments/Portfolios" before recording the alert, so hidden investments are displayed.
Deleting Portfolio Alerts:  To easily delete all equivalent alerts previously added, use the Data Register.  Under the Data Type of "Alerts" if you select any of the equivalent alerts and select "Delete" you will be prompted with the option to either delete just the selected alert, or all equivalent alerts within the sub-portfolio.


Comments: You can set multiple alerts for an investment.  Alerts are always checked against the price in an investment's native currency (not exchange rate adjusted).  Existing alerts can be viewed and/or edited under the Data Register with the "Alerts" data type selected.  To view alert markers on the graphs you must have View / Split Adjusted turned on.

See Also

Alert Options Dialog

Data Register


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