Client Import


Client information can be imported using this wizard, which is available from either the File / Import / Other / Client Info... menu command or by pressing the Import... button in the Client List Dialog.


Client information can be imported from 3 different file formats:  Comma Delimited (*.CSV), Tab Delimited (*.TXT), or vCard (*.VCF).  When importing from a CSV or TXT file you will have the opportunity to map the fields from the importing file into Fund Manager client fields.


When importing clients if an existing sub-portfolio contains the name of the client, that client will be assigned as the owner of that sub-portfolio.  If no matching sub-portfolio is found, the imported client will initially not be assigned to own any sub-portfolio.  Use the Client Information Dialog to assign a sub-portfolio for imported clients.

See Also

Client List Dialog

Client Information Dialog

Batch Print/Email


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