Changing Date Range for Graphs and Yields


This dialog is available from the View / Dates... menu command under the Graphs window.


This dialog box allows you to change the graph’s date range. Yields displayed above the graphs will also reflect this date range.


Choose from the list of pre-defined date ranges, or enter your own From and To dates. The following pre-defined date ranges are available:



any other date range setting you choose


the current date for both starting/ending dates


day prior to current date for both starting/ending dates

1 Week

1 week span ending on the default ending date

1 Month

1 month span ending on the default ending date

3 Months

3 month span ending on the default ending date
12 Months 12 months (1 year) span ending on the default ending date
Earliest price to date from the date of your first recorded price to the default ending date
Earliest transaction to date from the date of your first recorded transaction to the default ending date
Week to date beginning of the default ending date week to the default ending date
Month to date beginning of the default ending date month to the default ending date
Quarter to date beginning of the default ending date quarter to the default ending date
Year to date beginning of the default ending date year to the default ending date
Last Week last complete calendar week prior to the current date
Last Month last complete calendar month prior to the current date
Last Quarter last complete calendar quarter prior to the current date
Last Year last complete calendar year prior to the current date
Current Week complete calendar week containing the default ending date
Current Month complete calendar month containing the default ending date
Current Quarter complete calendar quarter containing the default ending date
Current Year complete calendar year containing the default ending date


The "default ending date" is the date of your last recorded price on or before the current date. Many of the pre-defined date range choices are also available as keyboard shortcuts.


If this is an investment based graph being adjusted there will be a check box available:


Apply Changes to All Open Investments



Select this if you wish to make the specified date range settings effective for all currently opened investments. The date range settings applied to all other investments can be determined in either of 2 ways:


Use Same Dates

uses the exact same dates as displayed in the date controls to update all the other investments
Recalculate Pre-Defined Range For Each Investment uses the specified pre-defined range to recalculate the date range for each investment


Often these 2 options will cause the same date range to be set, but in some cases there are differences. For example, the Earliest to date date range would result in different date ranges for the 2 options. Another example is if any of your investments have a different default ending date. In this case all the pre-defined ranges ending on the default ending date would be different for the 2 options.


Usage Tips:

When the Dates... toolbar button () is enabled, there will also be a dropdown combination box on the toolbar that allows you to quickly select from a variety of common date ranges:



1 Week span ending on the default ending date


2 Week span ending on the default ending date


3 Week span ending on the default ending date
1M 1 Month span ending on the default ending date
2M 2 Month span ending on the default ending date
3M 3 Month span ending on the default ending date
6M 6 Month span ending on the default ending date
1Y 1 Year span ending on the default ending date
2Y 2 Year span ending on the default ending date
3Y 3 Year span ending on the default ending date
5Y 5 Year span ending on the default ending date
10Y 10 Year span ending on the default ending date
MTD Month To Date: beginning of the default ending date month to the default ending date
QTD Quarter To Date: beginning of the default ending date quarter to the default ending date
YTD Year To Date: beginning of the default ending date year to the default ending date
PRC Price inception: date of your first recorded price to the default ending date
TRN Transaction inception: date of your first recorded transaction to the default ending date
... custom date range, select this to open up the View / Dates... dialog


For investment based graph types you can hold down the Shift key on your keyboard while making a selection from the dropdown combination box.  Holding down the Shift key will cause the date range selection to be applied to all open investments.  Otherwise, it is only applied to the topmost investment.


By using the mouse or keyboard shortcuts the date range can be adjusted quickly without using this dialog box. See mouse commands. There are also many other keyboard shortcuts for zooming and scrolling the date range.


You can adjust the date range and calculate the gph (short for "graph") yield for any desired time period. The gph yield is the yield for the displayed graph date range and will be displayed above the graph if yields are turned on.

See Also

About Graphs

Changing Vertical Scale

Mouse Commands

Keyboard Shortcuts


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