This dialog is available from the File / Import / Prices / Quicken (.PRN)... menu command.
This command is for importing price information from Quicken. You can also import transaction history from Quicken.
Fund Manager can import prices from a file in the 1-2-3 *.prn format printed from Quicken. You need to provide Fund Manager with the complete path and filename where the file has been saved. When using Quicken version 5 or later, volume, high, and low data will also be imported, in addition to the closing price.
Here are instructions for creating the 1-2-3 *.prn file from Quicken:
Notes on Split Adjusted Prices: The Quicken *.PRN price import expects actual closing prices, not split adjusted prices. This is how Quicken exports them, but if you are making your own *.PRN file, the prices should be actual closing prices.
Comments: This method of updating prices is somewhat obsolete. It is much faster/easier to retrieve prices from the internet.