This dialog is available in the Advisor version from the File / Import / Prices / Scottrade... menu command.
Select the Scottrade file you wish to import pricing data from. As an investment advisor with Scottrade you will be emailed pricing, transaction, security, and position data files each day. To make sure these files are formatted properly, inform Scottrade you are using Fund Manager Advisor, and wish for your data files to be sent in this format. Pricing data is contained in the <Date>SC.SE1 file.
All open investments will be updated. Pricing updates are done based on matching the CUSIP recorded for each investment with the CUSIP provided in the import file.
Advanced: If you would rather have Fund Manager match on 'symbol' instead of 'CUSIP', create a string registry value for 'scottrade_price_match' equal to '0' at the following location:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Beiley Software\Fund Manager\CurrentVersion\miscprefs
Importing Scottrade Transactions